Our lab (as co-applicant) together with the Stolnik and Garnett labs has been successful in obtaining funding from the Dr Hadwen Trust for Humane Research in a bid led by Dr Martin Garnett in the Division of Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering. The Dr Hadwen Trust (DHT ) is a non-animal medical research charity committed to the promotion of techniques and procedures replacing the use of animals in biomedical research. This 3 year project extends our previous funding (Nanotoxicity testing, 2010-2012) and will allow us to further develop a physiologically relevant model of gut epithelium with realistic basement membranes for drug transport and toxicology studies.
The University of NottinghamThe Boots Science Building, University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone:+44(0) 115 84 66073 email:franco.falcone@nottingham.ac.uk