Allergy and Infectious Diseases

Naim runner up at Biotechnology YES competition, December 2013

Since 1996, the BBSRC and University of Nottingham Institute for Enterprise and Innovation have jointly organised Biotechnology YES (Young Entrepreneurs Scheme) – a nationwide competition developed to raise awareness of bioscience commercialisation among PhD students and postdoctoral scientists.

Participants form teams consisting of four to five members and pitch a business plan for an idea, based on hypothetical science, to a panel of business, financial and academic representatives taking the role of venture capitalists. A few colleagues from the School of Pharmacy including our Lab’s Naim Hage participated in this competition creating a novel product for the safe and effective treatment of acne that tackles the underlying problem of excessive sebum production.

The cura cutis team became the first team from the University of Nottingham to finish as runner-up in the competition. Cura cutis won other prizes for ‘Best Healthcare Business Plan’, ‘Best Consideration of IP Strategy’ and ‘Best Elevator Pitch at Regional Heat’


The 'Cura Cutis' team at the Biotechnology YES final at the Marriot Hotel County Hall in London

Left to Right: Naim Hage, Lee Moir, Francesco Tres and Affif Grazette

Posted on Monday 20th January 2014

Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The University of Nottingham
The Boots Science Building, University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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