Our lab, together with our colleagues Jonas Emsley and Lodewijk Dekker and our Brazilian collaborators at Centro de Pesquisas René Rachou (Fiocruz Minas) was successfully awarded 4-year funding from the CAPES-Nottingham Drug Discovery initiative to develop new drugs for the treatment of Schistosoma mansoni infection. S. mansoni is a neglected tropical disease affecting more than 200 million people in tropical and subtropical areas. Its therapy relies on one single drug, Praziquantel, which is efficient but does not allow complete eradication of the parasite thus requiring regular repeated treatment, as many individuals are reinfected.
The University of NottinghamThe Boots Science Building, University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD
telephone:+44(0) 115 84 66073 email:franco.falcone@nottingham.ac.uk