Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group


BLACKMAN, T, 2014. Case Study: Imperium, Reading; Bennetts Associates. In: STACEY, M, ed., Aluminium and Durability: Towards Sustainable Cities Cwningen Press. 206-209

BLACKMAN, T, 2014. Case Study: Evolution House, Kew, London; S. L. Rothwell. In: STACEY, M, ed., Aluminium and Durability: Towards Sustainable Cities Cwningen Press. 54-55

SABRINA AFRIN, JOHN CHILTON and BENSON LAU, 2014. Thermal Environment of an atrium enclosed by an ethylene-tetra-fluoro-ethylene (ETFE) foil cushion roof In: Shells, Membranes and Spatial Structures Footprints, IASS-SLTE 2014, Brasilia. 8

SHOLIHAH, A.B., HEATH, T. and TANG, Y., 2014. Public Perceptions on Street Image and Place Attachment of a Traditional Street: The Case of Pecinan Street, Magelang In: ASEAUK Conference.

RODRIGUES, L., ALVAREZ, L., BORSI, K. and GILLOTT, M., 2014. The Resilience Timeline: A Tool for Framing Community Resilience and Its Application on Empirical Metanetwork Analysis In: RESILIENCE 2014 - Third International Science and policy Conference on the resilience of social & ecological systems - Resilience and Development: Mobilizing for Transformation. Montpelier, France - 4-8 May 2014

ADENAN, R., RODRIGUES, L., BORSI, K. and KIAMBA, L., 2014. Kampong Ayer: A Community Living on Water in Brunei Darussalam In: PLEA 2014 – 30th Conference on Passive and Low Energy Architecture: Sustainable Habitat for Developing Societies – Choosing the Way Forward.. Ahmedabad, India

RODRIGUES, L., ALVAREZ, L., BORSI, K. and GILLOTT, M., 2014. A bifocal approach for framing community resilience In: 2nd International Conference on Urban Sustainability and Resilience (USAR).

PORTER, N., 2014. Changing Places; Urbanity, Citizenship and Ideology in New European Neighbourhoods Journal of Urban Design. 19(2), 257 - 259

ZHENG, X. F., LIU, C. X., YAN, Y. Y. and WANG, Q., 2014. A review of thermoelectrics research - Recent developments and potentials for sustainable and renewable energy applications: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 32, 486-503

DEVILAT, BERNADETTE and GAGE, STEPHEN, 2014. THE ROLE OF THE RECORD AND THE PARADOX OF THE ORIGINAL Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA 2014). 317-326

HALE, J., 2013. Critical phenomenology: architecture and embodiment Architecture and Ideas. n/a(n/a), 18-37

DING, G., HALE, J. and PARNELL, S., 2013. Constructing a Place for Critical Practice in China: The History and Outlook of the Journal Time+Architecture Architectural Research Quarterly. Volume 17(3-4), 237-252

HOURSTON HANKS, L., 2013. The Riddle of the Victorian Mind: Faith versus Science at the Natural History Museum. In: QI, W., ed., From Crystal Palace to Darwin Centre: The Architectural Evolution of the Natural History Museum of London 1st. China Architecture and Building Press. (In Press.)
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257