Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R)

Archives Into the Future

Monday 29th February 2016 (10:00-17:30)
Registration URL
Archives Into the Future event on 29 February

Archives care for the past, but what is their role in caring for the future?

The ‘Archives into the Future’ seminar series provides a forum for creative debate about the issues facing archives today, and seeks to explore innovative approaches towards archives in the future.

The annual day conferences are co-organised by Antislavery Usable Past and Performing the Jewish Archive. Both projects are funded under the auspices of the Arts and Humanities Research Council Care for the Future: Thinking Forward Through the Past theme.

This workshop is organised by Antislavery Usable Past, in collaboration with the British Library, and will focus on the relationships between archives and the Third Sector.

Antislavery Usable Past is an inter-disciplinary investigation into antislavery legacies across history and multiple geographies. Its aim is to demonstrate that applied knowledge of the antislavery past offers a way to ‘care for the future’. To that end, this workshop will offer a forum for an exchange of ideas between archivists, curators, academics, NGOs, charities and human rights organisations on the value of archives in the Third Sector and how heritage resources can be utilised in modern day campaigning.

The workshop will consist of a series of short talks and discussion sessions.

Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R)

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
