Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R)

Get Up Stand Up Exhibition Dialogues Series: Grassroots Activism

Thursday 4th June 2015 (18:00-20:00)

Listen to the radio advert featured on Kemet FM! 

Get Up Stand Up! is a collaboration between New Art Exchange and NCCL at Galleries of Justice Museum, exploring the idea of international civil rights with young people.

Members of the Centre for Research in Race and Rights are providing a dialogues series to accompany the exhibition, as part of the British Academy Rising Star Engagement project on Race and Rights, which runs from 2015-16. Please join us for this monthly series where leading activists and academics will be in dialogue with the artists who contributed to this global civil rights project. Each dialogue will feature material and performances from the project, provocative conversation, audience debate and final action points, on topics ranging from the criminal justice system to immigration and trafficking to the Black Lives Matter movement. 



  • May 7: Zoe Trodd (Centre for Research in Race and Rights), Kevin Bales (Wilberforce Institute/Walk Free) and Faith Gakanje (African Women Empowerment Forum): “Modern-Day Slavery: How to Make the Antislavery Past Usable”
  • June 4: Lisa Robinson (Bright Ideas Nottingham), Peter Ling (Centre for Research in Race and Rights) and Cecile Wright (Labour Black Network): “Grassroots Activism: How to Make Black Lives Matter”
  • July 9: Jagdish Patel (The Monitoring Group), Janna Graham (Centre for Research in Race and Rights) and Lauri Johnson (Boston College), “Racial Equality and Antiracism: How to Rethink Identity and Belonging”
  • August 20: Lubaina Himid (Institute for Black Atlantic Research), Celeste-Marie Bernier (Centre for Research in Race and Rights), Veronica Barnes (Blue Mountain Ladies Group) and Bo Olawoye (Freelance Learning & Engagement Curator): “Cultural Activism: How to Make Black Histories Visible”
  • September 10: Martin Glynn (Centre for Health and Social Care Improvement), Vivien Miller (Centre for Research in Race and Rights), and Get Up Stand Up artists, “Black Men and Invisibility: How to Rethink the Criminal Justice System”
Free, open to all, click here to register


Centre for Research in Race and Rights (C3R)

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
