CADRECentre for Ancient Drama and its Reception

Image of Alan Sommerstein

Alan Sommerstein

Emeritus Professor of Greek,



I was born in Birmingham in 1947, and educated at Merchant Taylors' School (Northwood) and King's College, Cambridge, where I took a first in Classics. Intending to move into the field of Linguistics, I studied for a semester at Indiana University before returning to King's, where I was elected a Research Fellow in 1970 and completed my PhD thesis (part of which was afterwards published as The Sound Pattern of Ancient Greek) in 1971. The decisive event in my career was my purchase in October 1969, for five shillings (25p), of David Barrett's Penguin translation of three plays of Aristophanes. This inspired me to attempt myself a translation of three of his other plays and offer it to Penguin (who published it as Lysistrata and Other Plays in 1973, with a second edition in 2002); that led to a commission to edit and (in partnership with Barrett) translate all eleven of Aristophanes' plays for the Loeb Classical Library; that project was eventually axed, but from its ashes arose another edition (by myself alone) published by Aris & Phillips between 1980 and 2003, and meanwhile, after several failed applications for teaching posts in Linguistics, it had secured for me (on the day after the birth of my first child, Louise) a job as Lecturer in Classics at Nottingham.

I was on the Classics staff at Nottingham from 1974 until my retirement in January 2014, becoming a Reader in 1983 and Professor of Greek in 1988. I was Head of Department from 1992-97 and again, after the death of Thomas Wiedemann, from 2001-02. I have also been, among other things, editor of the Journal of Hellenic Studies (1989-95) and Gaisford Lecturer in the University of Oxford (2007).

I am married with three children and four grandchildren.

Expertise Summary

My main speciality is ancient Greek drama, both tragedy and comedy; I have worked on all the major dramatists and many minor ones, and produced (alone or in collaboration) complete editions of 19 fully (or almost fully) preserved and 13 fragmentary plays. I have also led a major research project on the oath in archaic and classical Greece, which produced a database of all references to oaths in Greek literary and inscriptional texts down to 322 BC, and am now, with five collaborators, completing a two-volume study of the subject.

Teaching Summary

Before my retirement I taught a range of modules on ancient Greek literature and society, including Advanced Greek/Greek Texts (studying various branches of Greek literature, mostly poetry, through… read more

Research Summary

I am completing, with five collaborators, Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece, the second volume of the comprehensive study of this subject arising out of the research project, funded by the… read more

Selected Publications

  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. Aeschylean Tragedy Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, ALAN H., ed., 1998. Ecclesiazusae Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2001. Edition, with translation and commentary. The comedies of Aristophanes. Vol. 11, Wealth Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. Aristophanes: Lysistrata and Other Plays 2nd ed.. London: Penguin.

Before my retirement I taught a range of modules on ancient Greek literature and society, including Advanced Greek/Greek Texts (studying various branches of Greek literature, mostly poetry, through texts read in the original), Greek Comedy (in the very different varieties represented by its two major authors, Aristophanes and Menander), Women in the Greek World (both in life and in literature), Sex, Lies and Violence (studying cases from the Athenian law courts - the methods speakers used to persuade juries, and how one can get behind their spin and their selectivity with the truth), Tragedy and Citizenship (social, political and religious aspects of Greek tragedy), and postgraduate modules on Greek drama and sometimes on ancient literature more generally. All of these were to a greater or lesser extent directly informed by my research, and have in turn contributed to it; my books contain a fair number of acknowledgements of insights which I owe to individual undergraduates.

Current Research

I am completing, with five collaborators, Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece, the second volume of the comprehensive study of this subject arising out of the research project, funded by the Leverhulme Trust, which I began in 2004.

I am editing for Wiley-Blackwell an Encyclopedia of Greek Comedy which will comprise over 1300 articles, by 187 contributors from more than twenty countries and from every continent, on all aspects of ancient Greek comedy and its reception.

As soon as Oaths and Swearing is completed, I will begin work on an edition of Aeschylus' tragedy The Suppliant Maidens -- which has in the past been something of a Cinderella among his works -- for Cambridge University Press.

I am committed to writing during 2014 at least three articles on various aspects of Greek tragedy and comedy.

Past Research

See catalogue of publications.

Future Research

I am committed to completing by 2016 a student-oriented book on Aristophanes and Athenian Old Comedy.

In the medium term, I intend to revise completely my 11-volume edition of the comedies of Aristophanes (the earlier volumes of which are now over 30 years old) to take account of scholarship since it first appeared.

  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2017. Comments on Nova, "Mortifera vestis" Aevum Antiquum. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, ALAN H., 2016. Hesiod and tragedy. In: SCULLY, S. and LONEY, A.C., eds., The Oxford Handbook of Hesiod Oxford University Press. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, ALAN H., 2016. On Chremes in Aristophanes' Ecclesiazusae Mnemosyne. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2015. Corpses as tragic heroes. In: MOST, G.W. and OZBEK, L., eds., Staging Ajax's Suicide Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa. 245-257
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2015. Review of M. Taufer, A New Repertory of Conjectures on Aeschylus, Fascicle VII Exemplaria Classica. 19, (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2015. Tragedy and the Epic Cycle. In: FANTUZZI, M. and TSAGALIS, CH., eds., The Greek Epic Cycle and its Ancient Reception Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 461-486
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2014. Menander in Contexts London: Routledge.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. The authenticity of the Demophantus decree. Classical Quarterly. 64, 49-57
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and TORRANCE, I.C., 2014. Oaths and Swearing in Ancient Greece Berlin: De Gruyter.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. Review of E. Medda, La saggezza dell'illusione Exemplaria Classica. 18, 217-220
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. Menander's Samia and the Phaedra theme. In: OLSON, S.D., ed., Ancient Comedy and Reception: Essays in Honor of Jeffrey Henderson Berlin: De Gruyter. 167-179
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. The politics of Greek comedy. In: REVERMANN, M., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Greek Comedy Cambridge University Press. 291-305
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. Platonio, Diff. Com. 29-31 y 46-52 Koster: Eolosicón de Aristófanes, Odiseos de Cratino y la comedia media. In: LÓPEZ FÉREZ, J.A., ed., La comedia griega en sus textos Ediciones Clásicas (Madrid). 265-281
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2014. Combat trauma in Athenian comedy: the dog that didn't bark. In: MEINECK, P.C. and KONSTAN, D., eds., Combat Trauma and the Ancient Greeks New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 225-236
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and BAYLISS, A.J., 2013. Oath and state in ancient Greece De Gruyter.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2013. Aeschylus' Semele and its companion plays. In: BASTIANINI, G. and CASANOVA, A., eds., I papiri di Eschilo e di Sofocle: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Firenze 14-15 giugno 2012 Florence: Firenze University Press. 81-94
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2013. Review of P. Judet de la Combe, Aristophane: Grenouilles Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 2013, 01.25
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2013. Edition with commentary of Menander's Samia. Menander, Samia: (The woman from Samos) Cambridge Greek and Latin classics Cambridge University Press.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2013. Ate in Aeschylus. In: CAIRNS, D.L., ed., Tragedy and Archaic Greek Thought Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 1-15
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2013. Aeschylus: transmission of text. In: ROISMAN, H.M., ed., Encyclopedia of Greek Tragedy Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Blackwell. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2013. Samian questions. Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik. 185, 91-99
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Sophocles the sensationalist, or tragic one-upmanship Athenaeum. 100, 17-32
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Review of D.K. Roselli, Theater of the People Journal of Hellenic Studies: 132. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. The third father in Menander's Samia: Moschion and the baby. In: BASTIANINI, G., LAPINI, W. and TULLI, M., eds., Harmonia: Scritti di filologia classica in onore di Angelo Casanova Florence: Firenze University Press. 769-780
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Review of M. Taufer ed. Contributi critici sul testo di Eschilo Exemplaria Classica. 16, 237-244
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Notes on Aristophanes' Frogs. In: MARSHALL, C.W. and KOVACS, G.A., eds., No Laughing Matter: Studies in Athenian Comedy London: Bristol Classical Press. 115-125
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Aristophanes. In: BAGNALL, R. ET AL., ed., Encyclopedia of Ancient History Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and TALBOY, T.H., eds., 2012. Edition with introduction, translation and commentary of Sophocles' Selected fragmentary plays. Sophocles, Selected fragmentary plays. Volume II, The Epigoni, Oenomaus, Palamedes, The arrival of Nauplius, Nauplius and the beacon, The shepherds, Triptolemus Aris and Phillips classical texts Oxbow Books.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. The Persian War tetralogy of Aeschylus. In: DAVIDSON, J. and ROSENBLOOM, D., eds., Greek Drama IV: Texts, Contexts, Performance Oxford: Aris & Phillips. 95-107
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Fragments and lost tragedies. In: MARKANTONATOS, A., ed., Brill's Companion to Sophocles Leiden: Brill. 191-209
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Why Hades was crammed with Persians Classical Quarterly. 62(1), 423-425
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Review of S. Föllinger, Aischylos, Meister der griechischen Tragödie Göttinger Forum für Altertumswissenschaft. 14 [dated 2011], 1143-1147
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2012. Problem kids: young males and society from Electra to Bacchae. In: ZIMMERMANN, B. and MARKANTONATOS, A., eds., Crisis on Stage: Tragedy and Comedy in Late Fifth-Century Athens Berlin: De Gruyter. 343-357
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2011. Once more the end of Oedipus Tyrannus Journal of Hellenic Studies. 131, 85-93
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2011. Review of B. Deforge, Une vie avec Eschyle Classical Review. 61, 380-381
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2011. Hinc omnis pendet? Old Comedy and Roman satire Classical World. 105(1), 25-38
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2011. Sophocles and the guilt of Oedipus Cuadernos de Filología Clásica: Estudios Griegos y Indeuropeos. 21, 93-107
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Lysistrata the warrior. In: STUTTARD, D., ed., Looking at Lysistrata: Eight essays and a new version of Aristophanes' provocative comedy London: Duckworth. 37-48
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Orestes' trial and Athenian homicide law. In: HARRIS E.M, LEÃO, D.F and RHODES P.J., eds., Law and Drama in Ancient Greece London: Duckworth. 25-38
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. La tetralogia di Eschilo sulla guerra persiana Dionysus ex Machina. 1, 4-20
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. An overlooked tragic fragment: PMG 960. In: CORTES GABAUDAN, F. and MENDEZ DOSUNA, J., eds., Dic mihi, Musa, virum: Homenaje al Profesor Antonio López Eire Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 653-658
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Aeschylean Tragedy 2nd rev. ed.. London: Duckworth.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Review of J.R.C. Cousland and J.R. Hume ed. The Play of Texts and Fragments Exemplaria Classica. 14, 307-320
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Textual and other notes on Aeschylus Prometheus (Florence). 36, 1-22 and 97-122
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. The history of the text of Aristophanes. In: DOBROV, G.W., ed., Brill's Companion to the Study of Greek Comedy Leiden: Brill. 399-422
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. Notes on Aeschylean fragments Prometheus (Florence). 36, 193-212
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2010. The Tangled Ways of Zeus and Other Studies in and around Greek Tragedy Oxford University Press. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2009. Aeschylus: The Persians and Other Plays London: Penguin Books.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2009. In: SEOW, CHOON-LEONG, ET AL., ed., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 1. De Gruyter (Berlin). col. 497-498
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2009. In: SPIECKERMANN, H. ET AL., ed., Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception 2. De Gruyter (Berlin). col. 729-730
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2009. Talking about Laughter and other studies in Greek Comedy Oxford University Press.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2009. Tragic bits and pieces Omnibus. 58, 23-24
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. Arkhaio elleniko drama kai dramatourgoi: [translated from Greek Drama and Dramatists (2002), by A. Christou and I.N. Papadopoulou] Athens: Metaikhmio. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. Review of N.G. Wilson, Aristophanis Fabulae and Aristophanea Exemplaria Classica. 12, 283-300
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. Writer's choice 183: The Oresteia by Aeschylus At:
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. Swearing by Hera: a deme meme? Classical Quarterly. 58, 326-331
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2008. Edition and translation of the complete works of Aeschylus, constituting Loeb Classical Library vols 145, 146 & 505. Aeschylus Harvard University Press.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. Lysistrata turns a somersault: comedy, war and Eric Linklater Classics Ireland. 14, 1-43
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2008. What ought the Thebans to have done? (reissue of 2006 publication). In: BEALE, A., ed., Euripides Talks London: Bristol Classical Press. 23-32
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., BAYLISS, A.J. and TORRANCE, I.C., 2007. The Oath in Archaic and Classical Greece University of Nottingham, Department of Classics website at 9.4 MB
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and FLETCHER, J., eds., 2007. Horkos: the oath in Greek society Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press. (In Press.)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2007. O Aristophanis kai i daimon Penia [first published in English, 1984]. In: KATSIS, G.D., ed., Thaleia: Dekapente meletimata gia ton Aristophani Athens: Smili.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2007. Cloudy swearing: when (if ever) is an oath not an oath?. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and FLETCHER, J., eds., Horkos: The oath in Greek society Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press. 125-137
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2007. Oi arkhaioi komikoi peri tis Arkhaias Komodias [previously published in English, 1992]. In: KATSIS, G.D., ed., Thaleia: Dekapente meletimata gia ton Aristophani Athens: Smili. 80-103
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2007. Review of E. Medda et al. ed. KWMWIDOTRAGWIDIA Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 2007, 03.29
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2007. Introduction. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and FLETCHER, J., eds., Horkos: The oath in Greek society Exeter: Bristol Phoenix Press. 1-8
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2006. Rape and consent in Athenian tragedy. In: CAIRNS, D.L. and LIAPIS, V., eds., Dionysalexandros: essays on Aeschylus and his fellow tragedians, in honour of Alexander F. Garvie Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 233-251
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., FITZPATRICK, D.G. and TALBOY, T.H., eds., 2006. Edition, with introductions, translations and commentaries. Sophocles, Selected fragmentary plays. Vol. 1, Hermione, Polyxene, The diners, Tereus, Troilus, Phaedra Aris & Phillips classical texts Oxford: Oxbow Books.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2006. What ought the Thebans to have done?. In: SHASHA, T. and STUTTARD, D., eds., Essays on Bacchae aod Publications. 32-45
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2006. How Aristophanes got his A&P. In: KOZAK, L.A. and RICH, J.W., eds., Playing around Aristophanes: Essays in Honour of Alan Sommerstein Oxford: Oxbow Books. 126-139
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2006. An alternative democracy and an alternative to democracy in Aristophanic comedy. In: BULTRIGHINI, U., ed., Democrazia e antidemocrazia nel mondo greco: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Chieti, 9-11 aprile 2003: Atti del convegno internazionale di studi, Chieti, 9-11 aprile 2003 Alessandria: Edizioni dell'Orso. 195-207 (discussion, 229-233)
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2006. Review of O. Imperio, Parabasi di Aristofane Classical Review. 56, 31-32
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. <em>Nephelokokkygia</em> and <em>Gynaikopolis</em>: Aristophanes' dream cities. In: HANSEN, M.H., ed., The Imaginary Polis Copenhagen: Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters. 73-99
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. A lover of his art: the art-form as wife and mistress in Greek poetic imagery. In: STAFFORD, E. and HERRIN, J., eds., Personification in the Greek World Aldershot: Ashgate. 161-171
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. Review of G. Paduano, Aristofane: La Pace Classical Review. 55, 355
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. Review of S. Föllinger's Genosdependenzen Gnomon. 77, 167-9
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. Review of F. Casolari, Die Mythentravestie in der griechischen Komödie. Classical Review. 55, 41-42
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2005. Tragedy and myth. In: BUSHNELL, R., ed., A Companion to Tragedy Oxford: Blackwell. 163-180
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Comedy and the unspeakable. In: CAIRNS, D.L. and KNOX, R.A., eds., Law, Rhetoric and Comedy in Classical Athens: Studies Presented to Douglas M. MacDowell Swansea: Classical Press of Wales. 205-222
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. CADRE: the Centre for Ancient Drama and its Reception. Didaskalia. 6(1),
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Review of S. Gödde, Das Drama der Hikesie. Gnomon. 76, 293-296
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. John Arbuthnot Nairn. In: TODD, R.B., ed., Dictionary of British Classicists Bristol: Thoemmes.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Elementos cómicos en la lengua de la tragedia. El caso de la Orestía de Esquilo. In: , ed., Registros lingü¡sticos en las lenguas clásicas Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca. 335-353
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Argive Oinoe, Athenian epikouroi, and the Stoa Poikile. In: KEAY, S. and MOSER, S., eds., Greek Art in View: Essays in Honour of Brian Sparkes Oxford: Oxbow Books. 138-147
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. 'Benjamin Bickley Rogers'. In: TODD, R.B., ed., Dictionary of British Classicists Bristol: Thoemmes.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Review of J.F. McGlew, Citizens on Stage: Comedy and Political Culture in the Athenian Democracy Polis (UK). 21, 185-192
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Review of G. Kloss, Erscheinungsformen komischen Sprechens bei Aristophanes. Gnomon. 76, 16-19
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Harassing the satirist: the alleged attempts to prosecute Aristophanes. In: SLUITER, I. and ROSEN, R.M., eds., Free speech in classical antiquity Leiden: Brill. 145-174
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2004. Violence in Greek drama Ordia Prima. 3, 41-56
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2003. Shards from Kolonos: Studies in Sophoclean Fragments Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2003. Review of S.D. Olson's Aristophanes: Acharnians Bryn Mawr Classical Review. 2003.02.22,
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2003. The anger of Achilles, Mark One: Sophocles' Syndeipnoi. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., Shards from Kolonos Bari: Levante. 355-371
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2003. Cuckoos in tragic nests? Kephisophon and others Leeds International Classical Studies. 3(1),
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2003. Introduction. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., Shards from Kolonos Bari: Levante. 15-20
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2003. Review of J.J. Henderson, Aristophanes Vol. IV. Classical Review. 53, 21-22
  • SOMMERSTEIN,A.H., 2002. Greek Drama and Dramatists London: Routledge.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. The titles of Greek dramas Seminari Romani di Cultura Greca. 5, 1-16
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. Comic elements in tragic language: the case of Aeschylus' Oresteia. In: WILLI, A., ed., The Language of Greek Comedy Oxford: Oxford University Press. 151-168
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. Aristophanes: Lysistrata and Other Plays 2nd ed.. London: Penguin.
  • SOMMERSTEIN,A.H., 2002. Indexes Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. Die Komödie und das "Unsagbare". In: ERCOLANI, A., ed., Spoudaiogeloion:Form und Funktion der Verspottung in der aristophanischen Komödie Stuttgart: Metzler. 125-145
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2002. Monsters, ogres and demons in Old Comedy. In: ATHERTON, C., ed., Monsters and Monstrosity in Greek and Roman Culture Bari: Levante. 19-40
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 2001. Edition, with translation and commentary. The comedies of Aristophanes. Vol. 11, Wealth Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2001. Review of P. Totaro's 'Le seconde parabasi di Aristofane' Journal of Hellenic Studies. 121, 188-189
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2001. Review of B. Marzullo's 'Scripta Minora I-II' Digressus. 1, 29-30
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2001. Review of X. Riu's Dionysism and Comedy Classical Review. 51, 384-385
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2001. Review of D.R. Slavitt and P.Bovie (ed.), 'Aristophanes 2 and Aristophanes 3' Classical Review. 51, 158-159
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Parler du rire chez Aristophane. In: DESCLOS, M.-L., ed., Le rire des Grecs: anthropologie du rire en Gr?ce ancienne Grenoble: Millon. 65-75
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. 'Nudity, obscenity and power: modes of female assertiveness in Aristophanes', in S. Carlson and J. McGlew (ed.), Performing the Politics of European Comic Drama Journal of European Studies. 17:2 + 18:1, 9-24
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Review of S.D. Olson's Aristophanes: Peace Journal of Hellenic Studies. 120, 159-160
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Aischylou Eumenides: kritike kai ermeneutike ekdose Kardamitsa.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Oresteia Act II: two misconceptions Dionysus. 14, 20-22
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. The prologue of Aeschylus' Palamedes Rheinisches Museum für Philologie. 143, 118-127
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Review of J. J. Henderson, Aristophanes Vols I and II Classical Review. 50, 9-12
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., 2000. Theatron: Teatro greco Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. The tangled ways of Zeus Dionysus. 13, 26-29
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 2000. Platon, Eupolis and the "demagogue-comedy". In: HARVEY, D. and WILKINS, J., eds., The Rivals of Aristophanes: Studies in Athenian Old Comedy London: Duckworth. 437-451
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., eds., 1999. Studi sull'eufemismo Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1999. Review of G. C. Horrocks, 'Greek: A History of the Language and its Speakers' 6, 69-72
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1999. Premessa "bilingue". In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., eds., Studi sull-eufemismo Bari: Levante. 18-23
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1999. Review of E. M. Hall's 'Aeschylus: Persians' Journal of Hellenic Studies. 118(211-212),
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1999. The anatomy of euphemism in Aristophanic comedy. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., eds., Studi sull-eufemismo Bari: Levante. 181-217
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1999. Review of S. Halliwell's Aristophanes: Birds, Lysistrata, Assembly-Women, Wealth Classical Review. 49, 252-253
  • SOMMERSTEIN, ALAN H., ed., 1998. Ecclesiazusae Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1998. The theatre audience and the Demos. In: LOPEZ FEREZ, J.A., ed., La comedia griega y su influencia en la literatura espa¤ola Madrid: Ediciones Clasicas. 43-62
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1998. Review of G. Guidorizzi and D. Del Corno's 'Aristofane: Le Nuvole' Classical Review. 48, 172-173
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1998. Review of N. Dunbar's 'Aristophanes: Birds Classical Review. 48, 9-11
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1998. Rape and young manhood in Athenian comedy. In: FOXHALL, L. and SALMON, S., eds., Thinking Men: Masculinity and its Self-Representation in the Classical Tradition London: Routledge. 100-114
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., THIERCY, P., MENU, M. and MOREAU, A., 1997. Les probl?mes de mise en sc?ne du th??tre antique. In: Video of Table Ronde, Brest, (May 1995), Facult Victor Segalen, Brest
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. Review of J. Latacz's 'Einf hrung in die griechische Trag?die' Gnomon. 69, 481-484
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. Plat?n, ?upolis y la "comedia de demagogo" In: Sociedad, politica y literatura. 183-195
  • SOMMERSTEIN, ALAN H and ATHERTON, CATHERINE, eds., 1997. Education in Greek Fiction Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. Response to N.W. Slater, 'Bringing up father: paideia and ephebeia in the Wasps'. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A. and ATHERTON, C., eds., Education in Greek Fiction Bari: Levante. 53-64
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. The theatre audience, the Demos, and the Suppliants of Aeschylus. In: PELLING, C., ed., Greek Tragedy and the Historian Oxford: Oxford University Press. 63-79
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. The silence of Strepsiades and the agon of the first Clouds. In: THIERCY, P. and MENU, M., eds., Aristophane: la langue, la sc?ne, la cit? Bari: Levante. 269-282
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1997. Alternative scenarios in Sophocles' 'Electra' Prometheus (Florence). 23, 193-214
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. Aeschylean Tragedy Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. 'The omen of Aulis or the omen of Argos?', Aesch. Ag 104-59 Museum Criticum. 30/31, 87-94
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. Review of Konstan, D., 'Greek Comedy and Ideology' Classical Review. 46, 165-166
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 1996. Religion and Superstition in Latin Literature Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. The seniority of Polyneikes in Aeschylus' Seven Museum Criticum. 30,31, 105-110
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A. H., 1996. How to avoid being a komodoumenos Classical Quarterly. VOL 46(NUMBER 2), 327-356
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 1996. Frogs Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. Aeschylus' epitaph Museum Criticum. 30,31, 111-117
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1996. Articles: 'Aeschylus' and 'Cynegirus'. In: The Oxford Classical Dictionary Oxford: Oxford University Press. 26-29/418
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1995. Introduction [to Part II]. In: SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., eds., Lo spettacolo delle voci Bari: Levante. 61-85
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H. and DE MARTINO, F., eds., 1995. Lo spettacolo delle voci Bari: Levante.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1995. The beginning and the end of Aeschylus' Danaid trilogy. In: Drama 3 111-134
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., ed., 1994. Thesmophoriazusae Warminster: Aris & Phillips.
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1994. Review of D.O'Regan, 'Rhetoric, 'Comedy and the Violence of Language in Aristophanes' Clouds' Journal of Hellenic Studies. 114, 190-191
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1994. Review of A.M.Bowie, 'Aristophanes: Myth, Ritual and Comedy' Journal of Hellenic Studies. 114, 188-189
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1993. Aristoph. Ach. 1103-17 Museum Criticum. 25/28(139-144),
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1993. 'Dearest Haimon', Soph. Ant. 572 Museum Criticum. 25/28, 71-76
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1993. Aristoph. Nub. 1101-4 Museum Criticum. 25/28, 175-179
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1993. 'Beer no drink for men', Aesch. Museum Criticum. 25/28(Suppl. 952s), 59-64
  • SOMMERSTEIN, A.H., 1993. Pathos and mathos before Zeus. In: JOCELYN, H.D. and HURT, H., eds., Tria Lustra: Essays and Notes presented to John Pinsent Liverpool: Liverpool University Press. 109-114

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