About HandSRev

March 2021: We regret that HandSRev is now archived and no longer being updated.
We recommend the Epistemonikos database as a comprehensive, searchable database of systematic reviews.
HandSRev is a database of systematic reviews and evidence-based guidelines in hand surgery, mapped by topic, compiled by the Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery (CEBHS).
The systematic reviews and evidence-based guidelines in HandSRev were found by comprehensive, systematic searches of PubMed and searches of NICE Evidence search for NICE-accredited guidelines. These searches were carried out each month to compile our Hand Surgery Evidence Updates emails. The systematic reviews and guidelines included HandSRev are those published from 2011 onwards, but the most recent versions of all relevant Cochrane Reviews and national guidelines are included, even if they were published before 2011.
For each topic in HandSRev there is a list of relevant guidelines and systematic reviews (most recent first), with the titles providing a link for each article, usually leading to the PubMed abstract. If the paper is open-access or you have an institutional subscription to the journal concerned, you can access it by clicking on the full text link at the top right of the PubMed record.
It is very important to appraise the quality of systematic reviews before applying to your practice—we recommend the AMSTAR tool, which is very quick and easy to use. The methodological and reporting quality of some of the included reviews is assessed in the study by Wasiak et al. (2017).
Copyright © 2021 The University of Nottingham, on behalf of the Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED.
Please reference this resource (as a web page citation) if you use it for research or publications.
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