2017 Hand Fracture Research Workshop: Operative versus Non-Operative Treatment of Extra-Articular Proximal Phalanx Fractures
The Centre for Evidence Based Hand Surgery organised a very successful Hand Fracture Research Workshop in Nottingham on Friday 17th November. The workshop was attended by hand surgeons and therapists from across the UK representing over 25 centres, and patients with proximal phalanx fracture injuries, who shared their experience and informed the group discussions.
This is a follow-up event to the 2016 workshop on hand fractures, which prioritised a study comparing the treatment of extra-articular proximal phalanx finger fractures using operative fixation versus non-operative “clinic room” methods.
The aim of the 2017 consensus workshop was to debate and determine the optimal study design of a pragmatic multicentre randomised trial to address this research question. The day included an invaluable "meet the patients" forum and small and large group discussions to reach consensus on the elements of the PICO (Patients, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome).
There was a very stimulating and useful discussion of the issues involved, and the workshop has provided the necessary information to take the proposed study forward to the development an NIHR research funding application. A further clinician online survey and patients focus groups are planned.
The programme for the event is here .
Posted on Monday 18th December 2017