Centre of Metabolism, Ageing, and Physiology

Successes for our young investigators


We are delighted to announce that Matt Brook, Joe Bass and Ushnah Din, Clinical, Metabolic and Molecular Physiology in the Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine in Derby were all successful at the European College of Sport Science Young Investigator Awards in Germany at the beginning of July 2017.

Matt's prize was for an mini oral presentation on work relating to the effects of exercise on RNA synthesis and Joe's prize was for an oral presentation exploring the role of the vitamin D receptor on skeletal muscle health.

Ushnah received a runners up award for the GSK Nutrition Prize for work relating to HMB supplementation and resistance exercise training in older men.



Posted on Wednesday 19th July 2017

Clinical, Metabolic and Molecular Physiology

Division of Medical Sciences and Graduate Entry Medicine
The University of Nottingham
Royal Derby Hospital
Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3DT

telephone: +44 (0)1332 724622