ELLWOOD, REBECCA A, SLADE, LUKE, LEWIS, JONATHAN, TORREGROSSA, ROBERTA, SUDEVAN, SURABHI, PIASECKI, MATHEW, WHITEMAN, MATTHEW, ETHERIDGE, TIMOTHY and SZEWCZYK, NATHANIEL J, 2022. Sulfur amino acid supplementation displays therapeutic potential in a C. elegans model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Communications biology. 5(1), 1255
HARDY, EDWARD J., HATT, JACOB, DOLEMAN, BRETT, SMART, THOMAS F., PIASECKI, MATTHEW, LUND, JONATHAN N. and PHILLIPS, BETHAN E., 2022. Post-operative electrical muscle stimulation attenuates loss of muscle mass and function following major abdominal surgery in older adults: a split body randomised control trial AGE AND AGEING. 51(10),
GUO, Y., JONES, E. J., INNS, T. B., PHILLIPS, B. E., ATHERTON, P. J. and PIASECKI, M., 2022. Reduced amplitude of persistent inward currents in the aged human vastus lateralis ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 236, 357-359
JONES, E. J., GUO, Y., ATHERTON, P., PHILLIPS, B. E. and PIASECKI, M., 2022. Motor unit firing rate variability and microvascular blood flow as mediators of neuromuscular control. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 236, 142-143
GHARAHDAGHI, N., GUO, Y., RUDRAPPA, S., PHILLIPS, B. E., IDRIS, I., WILKINSON, D. J., SZEWCZYK, N. J., SMITH, K., PIASECKI, M. and ATHERTON, P. J., 2022. Distinct gene expression signatures of the aged human neuromuscular junction ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 236, 133-133
BOLLEN, S. E., BASS, J. J., CROSSLAND, H., PIASECKI, J., MCPHEE, J. S., PIASECKI, M., WILKINSON, D. J., HEWISON, M. and ATHERTON, P. J., 2022. The association of vitamin D binding protein gene (GC) single nucleotide polymorphisms with skeletal muscle function and performance in master athletes. ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA. 236, 365-367
INNS, THOMAS B., BASS, JOSEPH J., HARDY, EDWARD J. O., WILKINSON, DANIEL J., STASHUK, DANIEL W., ATHERTON, PHILIP J., PHILLIPS, BETHAN E. and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2022. Motor unit dysregulation following 15 days of unilateral lower limb immobilisation JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON. 600(21), 4753-4769
ELY, ISABEL A., JONES, ELEANOR J., INNS, THOMAS B., DOOLEY, SIOBHRA, MILLER, SARAH B. J., STASHUK, DANIEL W., ATHERTON, PHILIP J., PHILLIPS, BETHAN E. and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2022. Training-induced improvements in knee extensor force accuracy are associated with reduced vastus lateralis motor unit firing variability EXPERIMENTAL PHYSIOLOGY. 107(9), 1061-1070
GUO, YUXIAO, PIASECKI, JESSICA, SWIECICKA, AGNIESZKA, IRELAND, ALEX, PHILLIPS, BETHAN E., ATHERTON, PHILIP J., STASHUK, DANIEL, RUTTER, MARTIN K., MCPHEE, JAMIE S. and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2022. Circulating testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone are associated with individual motor unit features in untrained and highly active older men GEROSCIENCE. 44(3), 1215-1228
GUO Y, JONES EJ, INNS TB, ELY IA, STASHUK DW, WILKINSON DJ, SMITH K, PIASECKI J, PHILLIPS BE, ATHERTON PJ and PIASECKI M, 2022. Neuromuscular recruitment strategies of the vastus lateralis according to sex Acta Physiol (Oxf). 235(2), e13803 JONES EJ, CHIOU SY, ATHERTON PJ, PHILLIPS BE and PIASECKI M, 2022. Ageing and exercise induced motor unit remodelling J Physiol. 600(8), 1839-1849 INNS, THOMAS, BASS, JOSEPH, HARDY, EDWARD, STASHUK, DANIEL, ATHERTON, PHILIP, PHILLIPS, BETHAN and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2021. The impact of quadriceps disuse atrophy on motor unit properties FASEB JOURNAL. 35,
GUO, YUXIAO, PIASECKI, JESSICA, SWIECICKA, AGNIESZKA, IRELAND, ALEX, PHILLIPS, BETHAN, ATHERTON, PHILIP, STASHUK, DANIEL, RUTTER, MARTIN, MCPHEE, JAMIE and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2021. Circulating Dehydroepiandrosterone and Testosterone are Differentially Associated with Motor Unit Function in Young and Masters Athletes FASEB JOURNAL. 35,
JONES, ELEANOR, MARTINEZ-VALDES, EDUARDO, NEGRO, FRANCESCO, MCCORMICK, DANIEL, ATHERTON, PHILIP, PHILLIPS, BETHAN and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2021. Tracking of Individual Motor Units Following Concentric and Eccentric Exercise-induced Fatigue Reveals Contraction-type Specific Changes in Discharge Properties FASEB JOURNAL. 35,
CROSSLAND, HANNAH, PIASECKI, JESSICA, MCCORMICK, DANIEL, PHILLIPS, BETHAN E., WILKINSON, DANIEL J., SMITH, KENNETH, MCPHEE, JAMIE S., PIASECKI, MATHEW and ATHERTON, PHILIP J., 2020. Targeted genotype analyses of GWAS-derived lean body mass and handgrip strength-associated single-nucleotide polymorphisms in elite master athletes AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-REGULATORY INTEGRATIVE AND COMPARATIVE PHYSIOLOGY. 319(2), R184-R194 MESSA, GUY A. M., PIASECKI, MATHEW, RITTWEGER, JOERN, MCPHEE, JAMIE S., KOLTAI, ERIKA, RADAK, ZSOLT, SIMUNIC, BOSTJAN, HEINONEN, ARI, SUOMINEN, HARRI, KORHONEN, MARKO T. and DEGENS, HANS, 2020. Absence of an aging-related increase in fiber type grouping in athletes and non-athletes SCANDINAVIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICINE & SCIENCE IN SPORTS. SWIECICKA, AGNIESZKA, PIASECKI, MATHEW, STASHUK, DANIEL, JONES, DAVID, WU, FREDERICK, MCPHEE, JAMIE S. and RUTTER, MARTIN K., 2020. Relationship of Anabolic Hormones With Motor Unit Characteristics in Quadriceps Muscle in Healthy and Frail Aging Men JOURNAL OF CLINICAL ENDOCRINOLOGY & METABOLISM. 105(7), E2358-E2368 MESSA, GUY A. M., PIASECKI, MATHEW, HURST, JOSH, HILL, CAMERON, TALLIS, JASON and DEGENS, HANS, 2020. The impact of a high-fat diet in mice is dependent on duration and age, and differs between muscles JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BIOLOGY. 223(6), PIASECKI, JESSICA, INNS, THOMAS B, BASS, JOSEPH J, SCOTT, REECE, STASHUK, DANIEL W, PHILLIPS, BETHAN E, ATHERTON, PHILIP J and PIASECKI, MATHEW, 2020. Influence of sex on the age-related adaptations of neuromuscular function and motor unit properties in elite masters athletes. The Journal of physiology. SWIECICKA, AGNIESZKA, PIASECKI, MATHEW, STASHUK, DANIEL W, IRELAND, ALEX, JONES, DAVID A, RUTTER, MARTIN K and MCPHEE, JAMIE S, 2019. Frailty phenotype and frailty index are associated with distinct neuromuscular electrophysiological characteristics in men. Experimental physiology. PIASECKI, M., IRELAND, A., PIASECKI, J., DEGENS, H., STASHUK, D. W., SWIECICKA, A., RUTTER, M. K., JONES, D. A. and MCPHEE, J. S., 2019. Long-Term Endurance and Power Training May Facilitate Motor Unit Size Expansion to Compensate for Declining Motor Unit Numbers in Older Age FRONTIERS IN PHYSIOLOGY. 10, AL-DABBAGH, SARAH, MCPHEE, JAMIE S., PIASECKI, MATHEW, STEWART, CLAIRE E. and AL-SHANTI, NASSER, 2019. Soluble Factors Released From Activated T Lymphocytes Regulate C2C12 Myoblast Proliferation and Cellular Signaling, but Effects Are Blunted in the Elderly JOURNALS OF GERONTOLOGY SERIES A-BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES AND MEDICAL SCIENCES. 74(9), 1375-1385 MESSA, G. A. M., PIASECKI, M., HILL, C., MCPHEE, J. S., TALLIS, J. and DEGENS, H., 2019. Morphological alterations of mouse skeletal muscles during early ageing are muscle specific EXPERIMENTAL GERONTOLOGY. 125, PIASECKI M, IRELAND A, PIASECKI J, STASHUK DW, MCPHEE JS and JONES DA, 2018. The reliability of methods to estimate the number and size of human motor units and their use with large limb muscles. European journal of applied physiology. 118(4), 767-775 MCPHEE JS, CAMERON J, MADEN-WILKINSON T, PIASECKI M, YAP MH, JONES DA and DEGENS H, 2018. The contributions of fibre atrophy, fibre loss, in situ specific force and voluntary activation to weakness in sarcopenia. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. (In Press.)
PIASECKI J, IRELAND A, PIASECKI M, CAMERON J, MCPHEE JS and DEGENS H, 2018. The strength of weight-bearing bones is similar in amenorrheic and eumenorrheic elite long-distance runners. Scandinavian journal of medicine & science in sports. 28(5), 1559-1568 YEUNG, SUEY S. Y., REIJNIERSE, ESMEE M., TRAPPENBURG, MARIJKE C., HOGREL, JEAN-YVES, MCPHEE, JAMIE S., PIASECKI, MATHEW, SIPILA, SARIANNA, SALPAKOSKI, ANU, BUTLER-BROWNE, GILLIAN, PAASUKE, MATI, GAPEYEVA, HELENA, NARICI, MARCO, V, MESKERS, CAREL G. M. and MAIER, ANDREA B., 2018. Handgrip Strength Cannot Be Assumed a Proxy for Overall Muscle Strength JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN MEDICAL DIRECTORS ASSOCIATION. 19(8), 703-709 PIASECKI, J., MCPHEE, J. S., HANNAM, K., DEERE, K. C., ELHAKEEM, A., PIASECKI, M., DEGENS, H., TOBIAS, J. H. and IRELAND, A., 2018. Hip and spine bone mineral density are greater in master sprinters, but not endurance runners compared with non-athletic controls ARCHIVES OF OSTEOPOROSIS. 13(1), AL-DABBAGH S, MCPHEE JS, PIASECKI M, STEWART CE and AL-SHANTI N, 2018. Soluble factors released from activated T-lymphocytes regulate C2C12 myoblast proliferation and cellular signalling, but effects are blunted in the elderly. The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences. (In Press.)
FRANCIS P, LYONS M, PIASECKI M, MC PHEE J, HIND K and JAKEMAN P, 2017. Measurement of muscle health in aging. Biogerontology. 18(6), 901-911 PANNÉREC A, SPRINGER M, MIGLIAVACCA E, IRELAND A, PIASECKI M, KARAZ S, JACOT G, MÉTAIRON S, DANENBERG E, RAYMOND F, DESCOMBES P, MCPHEE JS and FEIGE JN, 2016. A robust neuromuscular system protects rat and human skeletal muscle from sarcopenia. Aging. 8(4), 712-29 LEIGHTLEY D, YAP MH, COULSON J, PIASECKI M, CAMERON J, BARNOUIN Y, TOBIAS J and MCPHEE JS, 2016. Postural Stability During Standing Balance and Sit-to-Stand in Master Athlete Runners Compared With Nonathletic Old and Young Adults. Journal of aging and physical activity. 25(3), 345-350 BAGLEY, LIAM, SLEVIN, MARK, BRADBURN, STEVEN, LIU, DONGHUI, MURGATROYD, CHRIS, MORRISSEY, GEORGE, CARROLL, MICHAEL, PIASECKI, MATHEW, GILMORE, WILLIAM S and MCPHEE, JAMIE S, 2016. 2max during exercise. BMJ open sport & exercise medicine. 2(1), e000056
PIASECKI M, IRELAND A, STASHUK D, HAMILTON-WRIGHT A, JONES DA and MCPHEE JS, 2015. Age-related neuromuscular changes affecting human vastus lateralis. The Journal of physiology. 594(16), 4525-36 PIASECKI M, IRELAND A, JONES DA and MCPHEE JS, 2015. Age-dependent motor unit remodelling in human limb muscles. Biogerontology. 17(3), 485-96 VERLAAN S, ASPRAY TJ, BAUER JM, CEDERHOLM T, HEMSWORTH J, HILL TR, MCPHEE JS, PIASECKI M, SEAL C, SIEBER CC, TER BORG S, WIJERS SL and BRANDT K, 2015. Nutritional status, body composition, and quality of life in community-dwelling sarcopenic and non-sarcopenic older adults: A case-control study. Clinical nutrition (Edinburgh, Scotland). 36(1), 267-274