University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre

Key features of effective insolvency regimes for small entities


Professor Irit Mevorach to discuss key features of effective insolvency regimes for small entities in session organized by UNCITRAL and St. Petersburg International Legal Forum  

The United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) and St. Petersburg International and Comparative Law Research Centre are organizing a discussion session on ‘MSE Debtors and Creditors in Trouble: is a Simplified Insolvency Regime the Solution?’ on 19 May 2021. Professor Mevorach will discuss at this session the importance and key features of simplified insolvency regimes. For further information see:

Posted on Friday 7th May 2021

University of Nottingham Commercial Law Centre

University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
