Coatings and Surface Engineering (CSE)

ITSC Best Paper Award 2017

Mr. Jamie Pulsford, a second year EngD student in the Coating Materials for Energy (CME) team, has received the Best Paper Award at the International Thermal Spray Conference (ITSC) 2017 at Dusseldorf, Germany for his paper on "Effect of particle and carbide grain-sizes on a HVOAF WC-Co-Cr coating for the future application on internal surfaces: microstructure and wear".

This paper was selected from 300 high quality conference papers. This year ITSC was attended by 700 stakeholders from industry, academia, reserach organisations and government institutes. Jamie's project was sponsored by Monitor Coatings-Castolin Eutectic Ltd.

Click on the image for the video.



Posted on Sunday 10th September 2017

Coatings and Surface Engineering (CSE)

Room C55, Coates Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 3795