Centre for Translation and Comparative Cultural Studies: 2nd Nottingham Postgraduate Conference on Translation Studies: Translation and Identity

Thursday 11th July 2013 (09:30-19:00)

In cooperation with the University of Birmingham and the University of Leicester 

Organizers: Lorenzo Mastropierro, Kathryn Martin, Birgit Friedrich, Xiaofei Sun, Wei Ye

Keynote Speaker: Prof. Mona Baker (University of Manchester)


The conference will provide a national forum for postgraduates and early researchers currently working in the area of translation studies to meet and network with each other. The programme will consist of the keynote plenary and a number of thematically grouped panels where papers are presented and discussed (20 mins).


Travel bursaries of up to £50 may be available for students presenting papers who are unable to obtain funding from their home institution. Attendance and refreshments are free for those presenting. Those who do not present will be asked to pay a registration fee of £5.

Undergraduates wishing to get an insight into current research in translation studies are very welcome to attend.


The conference aims to explore the relations between translation and identity, and their ideological consequences on socio-cultural contexts. We invite submissions for presentations by postgraduate research students and early researchers across a wide range of disciplines. Topics of particular interest include, but are not limited to, the following:


• Construction of identity through translation;

• National vs. regional identity in translation;

• Translation and identity in the digital age;

• Gender identity in translation;

• Censorship and identity;

• Translation of the “Foreign”;

• Identity of translation studies on the ‘periphery’ (outside Anglo-American world).

Conference programme.