Computer Vision Laboratory


International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences 2018


Interest in automatic image analysis has increased significantly within plant science in recent years and there is clear evidence of an emerging bioimage analysis community working within the wider plant sciences to develop the required techniques. This community is, however, distributed across widely separated and disparate plant science and computer science research groups. 

The International Workshop on Image Analysis Methods for the Plant Sciences seeks to bring together scientists actively engaged in the development of image analysis techniques and tools addressing problems arising within the plant sciences. The workshop aims to review the image analysis methods and approaches currently being used and developed, identify generic image analysis challenges arising across the plant sciences and techniques and approaches likely to lead to their solution, and promote collaboration within the developing plant image analysis community. 

Keynote Talk

From Field to Cells: the role of multi-scale phenomics in crop improvement

Ji Zhou1,2,3,4, Daniel Reynolds1, Aaron Bostrom1,4, Joshua Ball1, Danny Websdale4, Graham Finlayson4, Steven Penfield2, Mike Bevan2, Simon Griffiths2   

1. Earlham Institute, Norwich Research Park UK

2. John Innes Centre, Norwich Research Park UK

3. Nanjing Agricultural University, China 

4. University of East Anglia, Norwich UK

 With the maturation of high-throughput and low-cost genotyping platforms, the current bottleneck in breeding, cultivation and other crop related research lies in phenotyping and phenotypic analyses. Recent phenotyping technologies invented by industry and academia are capable of producing large image- and sensor-based datasets every day. However, effectively transforming big data into biological knowledge is an immense challenge that urgently requires a cross-disciplinary effort. In the talk, I will introduce our research-based phenotyping platforms at Norwich Research Park, ranging from the sky to cells, including AirSurf (automated aerial analytic software), Phenospex (an in-field 3D laser scanning platform), CropQuant (a low-cost distributed crop monitoring system), SeedGerm (a machine-learning based seed germination device), Leaf-GP (an open-source software for quantifying growth phenotypes), and high content screening systems for cellular phenotype measurements. Through these examples, I will explain our multi-scale phenomics solutions developed for varied biological questions on bread wheat, brassica, and other plant species, including the application of IoT (Internet of Things), distributed computing, crop and climate data management, the utilisation of open scientific and numeric libraries for data calibration, annotation and phenotypic analyses. Phenotyping technologies need to enable crop researchers to continuously and precisely quantify traits that are key to today’s genotype-by-environment interactions (GxE) research, breeding pipelines, and agricultural practices. Hence, I will also introduce how we link phenotypic analyses to the assessment of genes controlling performance-related traits, yield potential, and environmental adaptation throughout the talk. 


After five successful editions in Nottingham, Aberystwyth, Louvain la Neuve, and Angers,  IAMPS 2018 takes place once again in Nottingham, UK. Nottingham is host to a number of phenotyping installations (such as the Hounsfield Facility), as well as some ten plant image analysis researchers based in the Computer Vision Laboratory.

IAMPS2018 will be held at:

The Exchange, Jubilee Campus, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK. NG8 1BB.



We welcome submissions in all areas of plant image analysis method development, including work in progress. This year we will have a dedicated session on Deep Learning methods in plant image analysis.

The organisers will select oral and poster contributions from the abstracts we receive. Authors will be notified before Christmas.

When submitting your abstract please use the template provided. The abstract should be written in Times New Roman, 11 pt. The whole document should not exceed one A4 page. Please include at least one figure to illustrate the content of the study and references to clarify the context of the proposed study.



 Key Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: Friday 8th December 2017

Notification of acceptance: Wednesday 20th December 2017

Conference dates 22/23rd January 2018.

Registration and Cost

Cost: £150, including workshop registration, all refreshments, and an evening meal on the first night.

Accommodation is not included in the registration. Jubilee campus is a 20-25 minute walk, or short bus ride from Nottingham city centre, where there are many accommodation options. There is also a Conference Centre offering bed and breakfast accommodation on Jubilee Campus itself. If interested, please book directly with the Conference Centre.

Register for IAMPS 2018 here




Computer Vision Laboratory

The University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

telephone: +44 (0) 115 8466543