Digital Mental Health and Wellbeing

Image of Kyle Harrington

Kyle Harrington

Assistant Professor of Human Factors, Faculty of Engineering



Dr Kyle Harrington is an Assistant Professor in Human Factors Engineering, within the Mechanical, Materials and Manufacturing Engineering department. Before his current position, Kyle was a research fellow in the Institute of Mental Health and has an interdisciplinary background in Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Philosophy and Human Factors Engineering. He is currently working on a variety of projects relating to healthcare technologies. Kyle's research has focused on digital Cognitive Screening technologies, and more recently, assistive and healthcare robotics. Kyle is the Chair of the "Human Rights in the Digital Age" Network within the University, also a member of the Centre for Dementia, INTERDEM (Early detection and timely INTERvention in Dementia).

Expertise Summary

Kyle has expertise in a variety of areas. He is a mixed-methods researcher who has experience in conducting experimental trials and surveys, as well as more qualitative approaches such as Cognitive Interviews, and Patient and Public Involvement. Kyle also has expertise in prototyping novel technologies for use in research.

Teaching Summary

Module Convener for MMME4074 Advanced Methods in Human Factors, also provide support in MMME4084 Simulation, Virtual Reality and Advanced Human-Machine Interface, MMME4057 Human Computer Systems and… read more

Research Summary

My research interests include Technology, Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. I have an interdisciplinary academic background, which includes Artificial Intelligence,… read more

Module Convener for MMME4074 Advanced Methods in Human Factors, also provide support in MMME4084 Simulation, Virtual Reality and Advanced Human-Machine Interface, MMME4057 Human Computer Systems and MMME4051 Physical Ergonomics.

Current Research

My research interests include Technology, Healthcare, Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science. I have an interdisciplinary academic background, which includes Artificial Intelligence, Psychology, Philosophy and Human-Factors Engineering.My recent research has been within the areas of technology and healthcare, and more specifically involved assistive robotics, virtual and augmented reality, cognitive screening and cognitive rehabilitation. Currently, I am working on a project aiming to develop standards for healthcare robotics.

Past Research

Previous research projects have included NeuRoMS (Neuropsychological Evaluation and Rehabilitation in Multiple Sclerosis), this project aims to:

  1. Develop a neuropsychological evaluation pathway, to routinely assess all people with MS for cognitive problems attending NHS MS clinics.
  2. Develop and test a brief neuropsychological rehabilitation programme for people with MS with 'mild' cognitive problems.

In this project I was been responsible for delivering the technological aspect of the cognitive screening pathway.

ExoRehab: Stakeholder elicitation to develop a value proposition for exoskeleton rehabilitation technology in the NHS'. In this project I conducted preliminary Patient and Public Involvement interviews in order to ascertain the state of adoption of robotic Exoskeleton walkers and related devices in health services in England. AD:Detect Prevent: Leading Patient and Public Involvement activities for cognitive screening tools.

Digital Mental Health and Wellbeing

Division of Psychiatry and Applied Psychology
The University of Nottingham School of Medicine
Institute of Mental Health
Triumph Road
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

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