Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses


BENJAMIN TATLOCK, RICCARDO BRIGANTI, ROSARIA ESTER MUSUMECI and MAURIZIO BROCCHINI, 2018. An assessment of the roller approach for wave breaking in a hybrid finite-volume finite-difference Boussinesq-type model for the surf-zone Applied Ocean Research. 73, 160-178

RICCARDO BRIGANTI, NICHOLAS DODD, GIORGIO INCELLI and GUSTAAF KIKKERT, 2018. Numerical modelling of the flow and bed evolution of a single bore-driven swash event on a coarse sand beach Coastal Engineering.

VAN DER MEER, J., AKBAR, R., MUKHDIAR, R., BRIGANTI, R., MUSUMECI, R. E., ROMANO, A., SUZUKI, T. and ALTOMARE, C., 2018. Wave overtopping with a changing steep sandy foreshore, conventional and numerical analysis of results

PERERA, E., ZHU, F., DODD, N., BRIGANTI, R. and BLENKINSOPP, C., 2018. Surface-groundwater flow numerical model for coastal barrier beach

KESSELER, M., HELLER, V. and TURNBULL, B., 2018. A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides Landslides. 15(11), 2145-2159

JANJUA, Z. A., TURNBULL, B., HIBBERD, S. and CHOI, K.-S., 2018. Mixed ice accretion on aircraft wings: Physics of Fluids Physics of Fluids. 30(2),

FAUG, T., TURNBULL, B. and GAUER, P., 2018. Looking beyond the powder/dense flow avalanche dichotomy Journal of Geophysical Research - Earth Surface. 2018JF004665 (In Press.)

M. J. KESSELER, V. HELLER and B. TURNBULL, 2018. A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides Landslides. (In Press.)

JUNPENG LIU, JIE WANG, LUCA MAZZOLA, HALAR MEMON, TAMAL BARMAN, BARBARA TURNBULL, MINGIONE GIUSEPPE, KWING-SO CHOI and XIANGHUI HOU, 2018. Development and evaluation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) based composite coatings for icephobic applications Surface and Coatings Technology. 349, 980-985

LIU, J., WANG, J., MAZZOLA, L., MEMON, H., BARMAN, T., TURNBULL, B., MINGIONE, G., CHOI, K.-S. and HOU, X., 2018. Development and evaluation of poly(dimethylsiloxane) based composite coatings for icephobic applications Surface and Coatings Technology. 349, 980-985

KESSELER, M., HELLER, V. and TURNBULL, B., 2018. A laboratory-numerical approach for modelling scale effects in dry granular slides: Landslides Landslides. 1-15

ZHANG, YANG, ADAM, MOHAMED, HART, ABARASI, WOOD, JOSEPH, RIGBY, SEAN P. and ROBINSON, JOHN P., 2018. Impact of Oil Composition on Microwave Heating Behavior of Heavy Oils ENERGY & FUELS. 32(2), 1592-1599

SHEPHERD, B. J., RYAN, J., ADAM, M., BENEROSO VALLEJO, D., CASTAÑO, P., KOSTAS, E. T. and ROBINSON, J. P., 2018. Microwave pyrolysis of biomass within a liquid medium: Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis.

ADAM, M., HART, A., STEVENS, L. A., WOOD, J., ROBINSON, J. P. and RIGBY, S. P., 2018. Microwave synthesis of carbon onions in fractal aggregates using heavy oil as a precursor: Carbon Carbon. 138, 427-435

BRADLEY AV, MCLAREN SJ, AL-DUGHAIRI A and KHALAF N, 2018. A multi-scale approach interpreting sediment processes and distribution from desert sand colour in central Saudi Arabia Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 43, 2847–2862
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Environmental Fluid Mechanics and Geoprocesses

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
