English Place-Name Society

List of Volumes

The published volumes of the Survey are listed below, in alphabetical order by county. You can also download a list of volumes in order of publication. Titles marked with an asterisk indicate counties not yet complete.

Practically all are in print and many of the volumes are now available at a reduced price (subject to availability). Single volumes at full price are priced at £40 (members) and £45 (non-members); postage and packing is £4.00 in the UK, £7.00 in Europe, and £9.00 elsewhere.  See below for prices of individual volumes.

For full details please contact:

Ms Jennifer Soper
School of English
University of Nottingham

0115 951 5919 

The Survey of English Place-Names - publishe volumes

Published Survey Volumes of The English Place-Name Society.
Most volumes can be bought directly from the Society using the contact details above, or from Amazon using the links below.  

Introduction & Chief Elements (vol. 1), 1924


The Place-Names of Bedfordshire and Huntingdonshire (vol. 3), 1926)


The Place-Names of Berkshire (3 parts: vols 49–51), 1973–76


The Place-Names of Buckinghamshire (vol. 2), 1925


The Place-Names of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely (vol. 19), 1943 


The Place-Names of Cheshire (5 parts: vols 44–48, 54 and 74), 1970–97


Cornish Place-Name Elements (vol. 56/57), 1985


The Place-Names of Cumberland (3 parts: vols 20–22), 1950–52


The Place-Names of Derbyshire (3 parts: vols 27–29), 1959


The Place-Names of Devon (2 parts: vols 8–9), 1931–32


The Place-Names of Dorset (4 parts: vols 53–54, 59/60 and 86/87), 1977–2010


The Place-Names of County Durham* (vol. 83), 2007


The Place-Names of Essex (vol. 12), 1935


The Place-Names of Gloucestershire (4 parts: vols 38–41), 1964–65


The Place-Names of Hertfordshire (vol. 15), 1938


The Place-Names of Leicestershire (8 parts: vols 75, 78, 81, 84, 88, 90, 91 and 93), 1998–2019


The Place-Names of Lincolnshire* (7 vols, 58, 64–66, 71, 73, 77 and 85), 1985–2010


The Place-Names of Middlesex (vol. 18), 1942


The Place-Names of Norfolk* (3 vols, 61, 72, 79), 1989–2002


The Place-Names of Northamptonshire (vol. 10), 1933


The Place-Names of Nottinghamshire (vol. 17), 1940


The Place-Names of Oxfordshire (2 vols, 23–24), 1953–54


The Place-Names of Rutland (vols 67–69), 1994


The Place-Names of Shropshire* (9 vols, 62/63, 70, 76, 80, 82, 89, 92, 95, 96), 1990–2020


The Place-Names of Staffordshire* (vol. 55), 1984


The Place-Names of Surrey (vol. 11), 1934


The Place-Names of Sussex (2 vols, 6–7), 1929–30


The Place-Names of Warwickshire (vol. 13), 1936


The Place-Names of Westmorland (2 vols, 42–43), 1967


The Place-Names of Wiltshire (vol. 16), 1939


The Place-Names of Worcestershire (vol. 4), 1927


The Place-Names of the East Riding of Yorkshire and York (vol. 14), 1937


The Place-Names of the North Riding of Yorkshire (vol. 5), 1928


The Place-Names of the West Riding of Yorkshire (8 vols, 30–37), 1961–63


English Place-Name Elements (2 parts, 25–26), 1956


Perceptions of Place (supernumerary vol.), 2013


English Place-Name Society

The University of Nottingham
Nottingham NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5919
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 5924
email: name-studies@nottingham.ac.uk