Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group

Image of Paul Connolly

Paul Connolly

Research Fluid Dynamic Engineer - Swimming,


Research Summary

The aim is to investigate asymmetries in vortex wake in swimming, paying close attention to asymmetric swim position. For example front-crawl and back-crawl stroke, which are believed to be a… read more

Current Research

The aim is to investigate asymmetries in vortex wake in swimming, paying close attention to asymmetric swim position. For example front-crawl and back-crawl stroke, which are believed to be a significant source of the swimmer's hydrodynamics drag? For this study, we wish to quantify the hydrodynamic drag of swimmers using a number of techniques available to us, including particle image velocimetry (PIV), flow visualisation technique and force measurement. Where we will examine the flow field produced by mannequins and elite swim athletes during swimming using a wind-tunnel, water tank and swimming pool for studying. The results will be analysed to understand the wake turbulence for the advancement of fluid mechanics associated with swimming.

Past Research


Future Research


Fluids and Thermal Engineering Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
