George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


ZDANOWICZ, M R., MARCINIAK, M., JAWORSKI, M., BENSON, T M., BEKKER, E., VUKOVIC, A. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Analysis of Nolinear Photonic Crystal Fibres with Varying Geometries In: Proceedings of COST P11 Traing School: Physics of Linear, Nonlinear, and Active Photonic Crystals. Warsaw, NIT. May 22-25 2007..

ROMANOVA, E., JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T M., 2007. Models of non-linear waveguide excitation by non-stationary light beam Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(10/11), 813-823

BEKKER, E V., VUKOVIC, A., SAKHNENKO, N K., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and NERUKH, A.G., 2007. An assessment of coherent coupling through radiation fields in time varying slab waveguides Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(7), 533 - 551

SMOTROVA, E.I., NOSICH, A I. and BENSON, T M.: SEWELL, P., 2007. Linear Optical Analysis of Microdisk Lasers Concentrically Coupled with Microrings In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON) 2007. Vol. 4. Rome, Italy.. 200-203

CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D W P., PAUL, J D., BIWOJNO, K. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Methodologies for Modelling Thin Wires in Electrically Large Problems In: COST 286 Poster Session, EMC Europe Workshop. June 14th - 15th, 2007. Paris..

VUKOVIC A., BEKKER, E., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J., SAKHNENKO, N K. and NERUKH, A G., 2007. Modelling Nonlinear Interactions between RF and Optical Fields in Travelling Wave Modulators using a Hybrid Approach In: Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES). Verona, Italy, March 2007. 532 - 537

JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Dynamics of Pulse Propagation in Phase-Shifted Fibre Bragg Gratings: A Numerical Investigation Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(9), 709 - 716

PAUL, J D., CHRISTOPOULOS, C. and THOMAS, D W P., 2007. Time-Domain Simulation of Electromagnetic Wave-Propagation in Two-Level Dielectrics In: Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain, (CEM-TD 2007), Perugia, Italy..

PAUL, J D., CHRISTOPOULOS, C. and THOMAS, D W P., 2007. Calculation of Instantaneous Power and Energy Quantities in TLM Simulations In: Symposium in Honour of Professor Wolfgang J R Hoefer. Technical University of Munich. May 16 - 17, 2007..

CHRISTOPOULOS, C., THOMAS, D W P. and PAUL, J., 2007. Interaction of Electromagnetic Waves with Complex Materials In: Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium, (PIERS). Beijing, China. March 26th - 30th 2007.. 2080

SEWELL, P., WYKES, J., CHRISTOPOULOS, C., BENSON, T. M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. Degenerate Clusters in Unstructured TLM In: Invited Paper in the Proceedings of the 11th International Symposium on Microwave and Optical Technology (ISMOT 07). Monte Porzio catone, Italy. 17 - 21 December 2007. 121 - 123

AL JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. Adaptive Meshing for Volterra Integral Equation In: Proceedings of Progress in Electromagnetics Research (PIERS), August 27th - 30th 2007. Prague.

JANYANI, V., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T M., PAUL, J. and SEWELL, P., 2007. Dynamics of Pulse Propagation in Phase-Shifted Fibre Bragg Gratings: A Numerical Investigation Optical and Quantum Electronics. 39(9), 709 - 716

SEWELL, P., STYAN, C., VUKOVIC, A. and BENSON, T M., 2007. Adaptive Simulation of Optical ASICs In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks, (ICTON). Rome, Italy. June 2007. Vol.1. 244 - 248

AL JARRO, A., SEWELL, P., BENSON, T M. and VUKOVIC, A., 2007. A Volterra Integral Equation Algorithm on Triangulated Space Time Meshes In: Proceedings of the 2007 Workshop on Computational Electromagnetics in Time-Domain (CEM-TD 2007), Perugia, Italy. Oct 15-17..
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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
