George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


MOHAMED ISMAEEL MARICAR, GABRIELE, STEVE GREEDY, STEPHEN CREAGH, GREGOR TANNER and DAVE THOMAS, 2016. On chip integrated hybrid coupler with microstrip patch antennas for wireless applications In: 11th European User Conference - Technical Sessions.

HILD, F., NGUYEN, N. T., DENG, E., KATRIB, J., DIMITRAKIS, G., LAU, P. L. and IRVINE, D. J., 2016. Facile Determination of Molecular Structure Trends in Amphiphilic Core Corona Star Polymer Synthesis via Dielectric Property Measurement: Macromolecular Rapid Communications Macromolecular Rapid Communications.

RENSHAW, RYAN C., ROBINSON, JOHN P., DIMITRAKIS, GEORGIOS A., BOWS, JOHN R. and KINGMAN, SAMUEL W., 2016. Characterisation of potato crisp effective porosity using micro-CT JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE. 96(13), 4440-4448

ESCRIG, J. E., HEWAKANDAMBY, B., DIMITRAKIS, G. and AZZOPARDI, B., 2016. Influence of inclination angle on intermittent two phase flows

HILD, F., NGUYEN, N. T., DENG, E., KATRIB, J., DIMITRAKIS, G., LAU, P. L. and IRVINE, D. J., 2016. Facile Determination of Molecular Structure Trends in Amphiphilic Core Corona Star Polymer Synthesis via Dielectric Property Measurement: Macromolecular rapid communications Macromolecular Rapid Communications. 37(15), 1295-1299

PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, CREAGH, STEPHEN C., SEWELL, PHILLIP D., GRADONI, GABRIELE and BENSON, TREVOR M., 2016. Localized Single Frequency Lasing States in a Finite Parity-Time Symmetric Resonator Chain Scientific Reports. 6(20499), 20499

PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, CREAGH, STEPHEN, GRADONI, GABRIELE, SEWELL, PHILLIP and BENSON, TREVOR M, 2016. Time-modulated gain and loss parity-time symmetric resonators In: 24th Optical Wave and Waveguide Theory and Numerical Modelling Workshop (OWTNM 2016), Warsaw, Poland.

PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, CREAGH, STEPHEN, GRADONI, GABRIELE, SEWELL, PHILLIP and BENSON, TREVOR M, 2016. Parity-time symmetric chain resonators In: Meta 2016, the 7th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Singapore.

MARICAR, MOHAMED ISMAEEL, GRADONI, GABRIELE, GREEDY, STEVE, IVRLAC, MICHEL T, NOSSEK, JOSEF A, PHANG, SENDY, CREAGH, STEPHEN C, TANNER, GREGOR and THOMAS, DAVID WP, 2016. Analysis of a near field MIMO wireless channel using 5.6 GHz dipole antennas In: Aerospace EMC (Aerospace EMC), 2016 ESA Workshop on. 1-3

PHANG, SENDY, VUKOVIC, ANA, CREAGH, STEPHEN C, GRADONI, GABRIELE, SEWELL, PHILLIP D and BENSON, TREVOR M, 2016. Time Domain Modelling of Parity-Time Symmetric Structure with Dispersive Gain/Loss

DE POMERAI, DAVID I., IQBAL, NOORIA, LAFAYETTE, IVAN, NAGARAJAN, ARCHANA, KAVIANI MOGHADAM, MEHRI, FINEBERG, APRIL, READER, TOM, GREEDY, STEVE, SMARTT, CHRIS and THOMAS, DAVID W. P., 2016. Microwave fields have little effect on α-synuclein aggregation in a Caenorhabditis elegans model of Parkinson's disease: Bioelectromagnetics Bioelectromagnetics. 37(2), 116-129

GAZZANA, D. S., DIAS, G. A. D., LEBORGNE, R. C., BRETAS, A. S., TELLO, M., THOMAS, D. W. P. and CHRISTOPOULOS, C., 2016. Novel Formulation to Determine the Potential on the Soil Surface Generated by a Lightning Surge: IEEE Transactions on Magnetics IEEE Transactions on Magnetics. 52(3),

GREEDY, S., SMARTT, C. and THOMAS, D. W. P., 2016. Open source cable models for EMI simulations

KUZNETSOV, Y., BAEV, A., GORBUNOVA, A., KONOVALYUK, M., THOMAS, D., SMARTT, C., BAHARUDDIN, M. H., RUSSER, J. A. and RUSSER, P., 2016. Localization of the equivalent sources on the PCB surface by using ultra-wideband time domain near-field measurements

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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
