George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


ELKALSH, A., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Coupled electromagnetic - Thermal model for arc discharge in plasma

MENG, X., SEWELL, P., VUKOVIC, A., NASSER, H. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Embedded carbon fibre composite (CFC) model for arbitrary contour surfaces

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Impact of dispersive and saturable gain/loss on bistability of nonlinear parity-time Bragg gratings: Optics Letters Optics Letters. 39(9), 2603-2606

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., SUSANTO, H., BENSON, T. M. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Modelling of dispersive PT-symmetric Bragg grating

DANTANARAYANA, H. G., VUKOVIC, A., SEWELL, P. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Resonant frequency and Q factor extraction from temporal responses of ultra-high Q optical resonators: IET Science, Measurement and Technology IET Science, Measurement and Technology. 8(5), 277-284

OBIEKEZIE, C. S., THOMAS, D. W. P., NOTHOFER, A., GREEDY, S., ARNAUT, L. R. and SEWELL, P., 2014. Complex locations of equivalent dipoles for improved characterization of radiated emissions: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility. 56(5), 1087-1094

PHANG, S., VUKOVIC, A., BENSON, T. M., SUSANTO, H. and SEWELL, P., 2014. A versatile all-optical parity-time signal processing device using a Bragg grating induced using positive and negative Kerr-nonlinearity: Optical and Quantum Electronics Optical and Quantum Electronics. 47(1), 37-47

TANG, Z., FURNISS, D., FAY, M., NEATE, N. C., CHENG, Y., BARNEY, E., SOJKA, L., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T. M. and SEDDON, A. B., 2014. First identification of rare-earth oxide nucleation in chalcogenide glasses and implications for fabrication of mid-infrared active fibers: Journal of the American Ceramic Society Journal of the American Ceramic Society. 97(2), 432-441

BUTTERWORTH, J. H., JAYASURIYA, D., LI, Q. Q., FURNISS, D., MONEIM, N. A., BARNEY, E., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T. M., SANGHERA, J. S. and SEDDON, A. B., 2014. Towards mid-infrared supercontinuum generation: Ge-Sb-Se mid-infrared step-index small-core optical fiber

DANTANARAYANA, H. G., ABDEL-MONEIM, N., TANG, Z., SOJKA, L., SUJECKI, S., FURNISS, D., SEDDON, A. B., KUBAT, I., BANG, O. and BENSON, T. M., 2014. Refractive index dispersion of chalcogenide glasses for ultra-high numerical-aperture fiber for mid-infrared supercontinuum generation: Optical Materials Express Optical Materials Express. 4(7), 1444-1455

OLADEJI, A., SOJKA, L., TANG, Z., FURNISS, D., PHILLIPS, A., SEDDON, A., BENSON, T. and SUJECKI, S., 2014. Numerical investigation of mid-infrared emission from Pr3+ doped GeAsGaSe fibre: Optical and Quantum Electronics Optical and Quantum Electronics. 46(4), 593-602

SAKR, H., TANG, Z., FURNISS, D., SOJKA, L., MONEIM, N. A., BARNEY, E., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T. M. and SEDDON, A. B., 2014. Towards mid-infrared fiber-lasers: Rare earth ion doped, indium-containing, selenide bulk glasses and fiber

FURNISS, D., SAKR, H., TANG, Z., SOJKA, L., SUJECKI, S., BARNEY, E., BENSON, T. M. and SEDDON, A. B., 2014. Development of praseodymium-doped, selenide chalcogenide glass, step-index fibre towards mid-infrared fibre lasers

KUBAT, I., AGGER, C. S., MØLLER, U., SEDDON, A. B., TANG, Z., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T. M., FURNISS, D., LAMRINI, S., SCHOLLE, K., FUHRBERG, P., NAPIER, B., FARRIES, M., WARD, J., MOSELUND, P. M. and BANG, O., 2014. Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation to 12.5μm in large NA chalcogenide step-index fibres pumped at 4.5μm Optics Express. 22(16), 19169-19182

SAKR, H., FURNISS, D., TANG, Z., SOJKA, L., MONEIM, N. A., BARNEY, E., SUJECKI, S., BENSON, T. M. and SEDDON, A. B., 2014. Superior photoluminescence (PL) of Pr3+-In, compared to Pr3+-Ga, selenide-chalcogenide bulk glasses and PL of optically-clad fiber Optics Express. 22(18), 21236-21252
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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
