George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research


ZHOU, Q., SUMNER, M. and THOMAS, D.W.P., 2013. Mathematical analysis of the equivalent impedance at the harmonic frequency for the proposed aircraft power system IET Electrical Systems in Transportation. 3(4), 87-101

LI, J., THOMAS, D. W. P., SUMNER, M., CHRISTOPHER, E. and CAO, Y., 2013. Series Arc fault studies and modeling for a DC distribution system In: 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC).

CAO, Y., LI, J., SUMNER, M., CHRISTOPHER, E. and THOMAS, D., 2013. Arc fault generation and detection in DC systems In: 2013 IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference (APPEEC).

JIA, K., CHRISTOPHER, E., SUMNER, M. and THOMAS, D.W.P., 2013. Fault location in a DC Marine power system In: 22nd International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2013).

SMITH, J.M., KING, S.P., BARNEY, E.R., HANNA, J.A., NEWPORT, R.J. and PICKUP, D.M., 2013. Structural study of Al2O3-Na2O-CaO-P2O5 bioactive glasses as a function of aluminium content JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS. 138, 034501

PLAYFORD, HELEN Y., HANNON, ALEX C., BARNEY, EMMA R. and WALTON, RICHARD I., 2013. Structures of Uncharacterised Polymorphs of Gallium Oxide from Total Neutron Diffraction CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL. 19(8), 2803-2813

SARTBAEVA, A., REES, N.H., EDWARDS, P.P., RAMIREZ-CUESTA, A.J., BARNEY, E., 2013. Local probes show that framework modification in zeolites occurs on ammonium exchange without calcination Journal of Materials Chemistry A. 1(25), 7415-7421

BARNEY E.R., HANNON A.C., HOLLAND D., UMESAKI N., TATSUMISAGO M., ORMAN R.G., FELLER S., 2013. Terminal oxygens in amorphous TeO2

AL-HASNI B.M., MOUNTJOY G., BARNEY E., GISMELSEED A., 2013. A complete study of amorphous iron phosphate structure

HIBBLE S.J., CHIPPINDALE A.M., MARELLI E., KROEKER S., MICHAELIS V.K., GREER B.J., AGUIAR P.M., BILBE E.J., BARNEY E.R., HANNON A.C., 2013. Local and average structure in zinc cyanide: Toward an understanding of the atomistic origin of negative thermal expansion

DESCHLER, F., RIEDEL, D., ECKER, B., VON HAUFF, E., DA COMO, E. and MACKENZIE, R.C.I., 2013. Increasing organic solar cell efficiency with polymer interlayers Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 15(3), 764-769

AMARASINGHE VITHANAGE, D., DEVIŽIS, A., ABRAMAVIČIUS, V., INFAHSAENG, Y., ABRAMAVIČIUS, D., MACKENZIE, R.C.I., KEIVANIDIS, P.E., YARTSEV, A., HERTEL, D., NELSON, J., SUNDSTRÖM, V. and GULBINAS, V., 2013. Visualizing charge separation in bulk heterojunction organic solar cells Nature Communications. 4(n/a), 2334

MACKENZIE R.C.I., SHUTTLE C.G., DIBB G.F., TREAT N., VON HAUFF E., ROBB M.J., HAWKER C.J., CHABINYC M.L., NELSON J., 2013. Interpreting the density of states extracted from organic solar cells using transient photocurrent measurements

HANFLAND R., FISCHER M.A., BRUTTING W., WURFEL U., MACKENZIE R.C.I., 2013. The physical meaning of charge extraction by linearly increasing voltage transients from organic solar cells
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George Green Institute for Electromagnetics Research

The Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD
