Injury Epidemiology and Prevention Research

'Keeping Children Safe at Home' Programme: Information for professionals

How are professionals involved in this study?

GPs or Practice Managers in or near one of the study areas:

  • The parents/carers of children who attend their local Emergency Department or Minor Injuries Unit with a fall, poisoning or scald are being invited to take part in one of the KCS studies.
  • If they agree, local GP practices are asked to help send study questionnaires to a small number of children from their caseload to act as controls.
  • Practices who take part in this way are provided with the necessary paperwork and are reimbursed for the time their staff spends on project work.

Health visitors, child health nurses, nursery nurses or similar in or near one of the study areas:

  • Child health professionals may also be asked to send study questionnaires to a small number of children from their caseload/locality to act as controls for the children who have attended the local ED or Minor Injuries Unit.
  • They may also be asked to help to raise the profile of the study amongst parents, for example encouraging parents who tell them they have received a questionnaire to take part.

Children’s Centre managers and staff:

  • Children’s Centre managers and staff are taking part in interviews and workshops about the injury prevention initiatives that their Children’s Centre provides and what makes it easier or more difficult to promote injury prevention with families.
  • Based on the findings we are developing an Injury Prevention Briefing and a package of support for Children’s Centres to help them prevent injuries.
  • Children’s Centres in some of our study areas will be asked to take part in a study to evaluate whether the Injury Prevention Briefings and the package of support help them in their home safety work.

Injury Epidemiology and Prevention Research

The University of Nottingham

telephone: +44 (0) 115 846 6901