Centre for Literary Creativity, Community and Place

Welcome to the Centre for Literary Creativity, Community & Place

The LCCP houses a unique range of single and multi-disciplinary research and regularly collaborates with cultural, heritage, and educational partners. 

Find out more about the LCCP

Photograph of a group of students in a computer classroom. A smiling young black woman with her hand raised is seated near the front looking straight at the camera

About us

Room full of people listening to a speaker at the front, with bookcases lining the walls


Side shot of a diverse group of young men and women working together.

Research groups

Photo of two knitted soft toys (modelled on Douglas and Boece) leaning against an open book surrounded by sprigs of heather. Gavin Douglas and Hector Boece were major figures of Scottish humanism.

Research projects

Photograph of a row of thick, brown hardback books with gold writing on the spines.


Photo of a group of young men and women sat on sofas in a group.

Public engagement




Upcoming events

The women who WEREn't there: hidden female authorship in the early modern period

This bite-sized presentation will introduce specialists, non-specialists and members of the public to the highlights of some key women authors of the early modern period, including Amelia Lanyer who calls for women's equality in her 1611 published work. Usually, when we think about seminal and canonical authors, those who are critical to the contribution and development of the English language and culture, authors such as Shakespeare and Milton spring to mind, (and for good reason). However, absent from this general cultural-consciousness around our most influential authors are the women who were producing equally worthy-works contemporaneously with their male counterparts. Their names are still generally unknown. The fact that women were writing and publishing during this historic period is still an opaque fact, which continues to contribute to the unequal, imbalanced assumption of male power and authority. This event aims to contribute to the body of work trying to redress that imbalance.


Our students longlisted for the Aurora Prize for Writing!

Congratulations to Cathy Symes, Lauren Colley and Lucile Deslignères, all current School of English students who have been longlisted for the Aurora Prize for Writing! The Aurora Prize is a national writing competition run by Writing East Midlands, in partnership with the Society of Authors, that has run since 2016 and seeks outstanding new writing in short fiction and poetry. The judges for this year are best-selling crime novelist Vaseem Khan for the Short Fiction category and esteemed poet and author Andrew McMillan for the Poetry category, the winners will be announced at the award ceremony on the 30th October 2024.

Dr Andrew Harrison releases "The Life of the Author: D. H. Lawrence"

Andrew Harrison has just published a new monograph on Lawrence with Wiley-Blackwell, in their 'Life of the Author' series.
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Centre for Literary Creativity, Community and Place

Trent Building
University of Nottingham
University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5910
fax: +44 (0) 115 951 5924