Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


BLATCHFORD, M. T., JONES, M., HORLOCK, A. J., MCCARTNEY, D. G., SHIPWAY, P. H. and WOOD, J. V., 2001. Improvements in HVOF Sprayed Cermet Coatings Produced from SHS Powders THERMAL SPRAY -PROCEEDINGS-. 2001, 221-230

PEARCE, F. R., JENKINS, A., FRENK, C. S., WHITE, S. D. M., THOMAS, P. A., COUCHMAN, H. M. P., PEACOCK, J. A. and EFSTATHIOU, G., 2001. Simulations of galaxy formation in a cosmological volume Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 326, 649-666

THOMAS, P. A., MUANWONG, ORRARUJEE, PEARCE, F. R., COUCHMAN, H. M. P., EDGE, A. C., JENKINS, A. and ONUORA, L., 2001. A simulated τCDM cosmology cluster catalogue: the NFW profile and the temperature-mass scaling relations Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 324, 450-462

BENSON, A. J., PEARCE, F. R., FRENK, C. S., BAUGH, C. M. and JENKINS, A., 2001. A comparison of semi-analytic and smoothed particle hydrodynamics galaxy formation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 320, 261-280

YOSHIDA, N., COLBERG, J., WHITE, S. D. M., EVRARD, A. E., MACFARLAND, T. J., COUCHMAN, H. M. P., JENKINS, A., FRENK, C. S., PEARCE, F. R., EFSTATHIOU, G., PEACOCK, J. A. and THOMAS, P. A., 2001. Simulations of deep pencil-beam redshift surveys Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 325, 803-816

MUANWONG, O., THOMAS, P. A., KAY, S. T., PEARCE, F. R. and COUCHMAN, H. M. P., 2001. The Effect of Radiative Cooling on Scaling Laws of X-Ray Groups and Clusters Astrophysical Journal. 552, L27-L30

BALOGH, MICHAEL L., PEARCE, FRAZER R., BOWER, RICHARD G. and KAY, SCOTT T., 2001. Revisiting the cosmic cooling crisis Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 326, 1228-1234

TITTLEY, ERIC R., PEARCE, F. R. and COUCHMAN, H. M. P., 2001. Hydrodynamic Drag in Cosmological Simulations Astrophysical Journal. 561, 69-81

DA SILVA, ANTONIO C., KAY, SCOTT T., LIDDLE, ANDREW R., THOMAS, PETER A., PEARCE, FRAZER R. and BARBOSA, DOMINGOS, 2001. The Impact of Cooling and Preheating on the Sunyaev-Zeldovich Effect Astrophysical Journal. 561, L15-L18

WANG, Y., HIBBERD, S., SIMMONS, K.A., EASTWICK, C.N. and CARE, I., 2001. Application of CFD to modelling two-phase flow in a high-speed aero-engine transmission chamber In: ASME FEDSMð1:ASME 2001 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. 249-254

GU, S., EASTWICK, C.N., SIMMONS, K.A. and MCCARTNEY, D.G., 2001. Computational fluid dynamic modeling of gas flow characteristics in a high-velocity oxy-fuel thermal spray system Journal of Thermal Spray Technology. 10(3), 461-469

AROUSSI,A., SIMMONS,K. and PICKERING,S.J., 2001. Particulate deposition on candle filters Fuel. 80, 335-343

WANG, Y., HIBBERD, S., SIMMONS, K.A., EASTWICK, C.N. and CARE, I., 2001. Application of CFD to modelling two-phase flow in a high-speed aero-engine transmission chamber In: ASME FEDSMð1:ASME 2001 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting. 249-254

GIDDINGS, D, PICKERING, SJ, SIMMONS, K and EASTWICK, CN, 2001. Using Cfd To Investigate Combustion In A Cement Manufacturing Process

CARE, I, EASTWICK, C, HIBBERD, S, SIMMONS, K and WANG, Y, 2001. Cfd Computation Of Air-Oil Separation In An Engine Breather
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398