Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


COLBERG, J. M., WHITE, S. D. M., YOSHIDA, N., MACFARLAND, T. J., JENKINS, A., FRENK, C. S., PEARCE, F. R., EVRARD, A. E., COUCHMAN, H. M. P., EFSTATHIOU, G., PEACOCK, J. A. and THOMAS, P. A., 2000. Clustering of galaxy clusters in cold dark matter universes Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 319, 209-214

MOORE, BEN, GELATO, SERGIO, JENKINS, ADRIAN, PEARCE, F. R. and QUILIS, VICENT, 2000. Collisional versus Collisionless Dark Matter Astrophysical Journal. 535, L21-L24

KAY, SCOTT T., PEARCE, F. R., JENKINS, A., FRENK, C. S., WHITE, S. D. M., THOMAS, P. A. and COUCHMAN, H. M. P., 2000. Parameter tests within cosmological simulations of galaxy formation Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 316, 374-394

COLBERG, J. M., WHITE, S. D. M., MACFARLAND, T. J., JENKINS, A., PEARCE, F. R., FRENK, C. S., THOMAS, P. A. and COUCHMAN, H. M. P., 2000. Peculiar velocities of galaxy clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 313, 229-236

PEARCE, F. R., THOMAS, P. A., COUCHMAN, H. M. P. and EDGE, A. C., 2000. The effect of radiative cooling on the X-ray properties of galaxy clusters Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 317, 1029-1040

GIDDINGS, D., EASTWICK, C. N., PICKERING, S. J. and SIMMONS, K., 2000. Computational fluid dynamics applied to a cement precalciner Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of Power and Energy. VOL 214(PART 3), 269-280

HIBBERD, S., HOSSAIN, M., WANG, Y., EASTWICK, C.N. and SIMMONS, K., 2000. A comparison of flow characteristics for two aero-engine air/oil separators In: NAFEMS Conference 'Industrial CFD and the move towards multiphase analyses, Warwick University, 8 November 2000.

HOSSAIN, M., WANG, Y., HIBBERD, S. and SIMMONS, K.A., 2000. A Comparison of Flow Characteristics for Two Aeroengine Air/Oil Separators In: NAFEMS Conference on Industrial CFD and the Move Towards Multiphase Analysis.

EASTWICK, C.N., HIBBERD, S., CARE, I., SIMMONS, K. and WANG, Y., 2000. Numerical Study of the Turbulent Air Flow Field and Droplet Trajectories in a Geometrically Simplified Bearing Chamber with the Presence of an Oil-Air Separator

FARRALL, M., HIBBERD, S. and SIMMONS, K.A., 2000. Computational Modelling of Two-Phase Air/Oil Flow within an Aero-Engine Bearing Chamber In: Proceedings of ASME FEDSM'00. 1-8

ELEY, R., FOX, C. H. J. and MCWILLIAM, S., 2000. The dynamics of a vibrating-ring multi-axis rate gyroscope Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Proceedings. Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science. VOL 214(PART 12), 1503-1514

MCWILLIAM, S., KNAPPETT, D. J. and FOX, C. H., 2000. Numerical solution of the stationary FPK equation using Shannon wavelets Journal of Sound and Vibration. VOL 232(PART 2), 405-430

ELEY, R, FOX, C.H. and MCWILLIAM, S, 2000. Natural Frequencies of Circular Rings made from Crystalline Silicon In: 4th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis. 431-442

ROURKE, A.K., MCWILLIAM, S. and FOX, C.H., 2000. Dual Mode Frequency Trimming of Imperfect Rings In: 4th International Conference on Modern Practice in Stress and Vibration Analysis. 361-372

ELEY, R., FOX, C. H. J. and MCWILLIAM, S., 2000. Coriolis coupling effects on the vibration of rotating rings Journal of Sound and Vibration. VOL 238(PART 3), 459-480
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398