Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


MANNING,A.P., EASTWICK,C.N., AROUSSI,A. and PICKERING,S.J., 1994. The Modelling of a Power Station Boiler using a 'Solution Matching Approach In: 2nd CFDS International User Conference.

EASTWICK, C.N., MANNING, A.P., PICKERING, S.J. and AROUSSI, A., 1994. Modelling of a 275 kW generic coal fired burner: Two and three dimensional predictions compared to experimental data In: 1994 International Joint Power Generation Conference, ASME. 107-110

MCWILLIAM, S. and LANGLEY, R.S., 1994. Random response of offshore vessels to non-linear wave forces In: Proceeding of the Fifth International Conference on Recent Advances in Structural Dynamics. 724-733 (In Press.)

MCWILLIAM, S. and LANGLEY, R. S., 1994. Response statistics of non-linearly moored vessels under the action of first and second order wave forces APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. VOL 16(NUMBER 5), 295

GARVEY, SD, 1993. An Efficient Method For Solving The Eigenvalue Problem For Matrices Having A Skew-Symmetrical (Or Skew-Hermitian) Component Of Low-Rank International Journal For Numerical Methods In Engineering. 36(24), 4151-4163

SHIPWAY, P. H. and HUTCHINGS, I. M., 1993. Fracture of brittle spheres under compression and impact loading. I. Elastic stress distributions PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE A. VOL 67(NUMBER 6), 1389

SHIPWAY, P. H. and HUTCHINGS, I. M., 1993. Attrition of brittle spheres by fracture under compression and impact loading POWDER TECHNOLOGY -LAUSANNE-. VOL 76(NUMBER 1), 23

SHIPWAY, P. H. and HUTCHINGS, I. M., 1993. Influence of nozzle roughness on conditions in a gas-blast erosion rig WEAR -LAUSANNE-. VOL 162/164(NUMBER A), 148

HUTCHINGS, I. and SHIPWAY, P., 1993. 93NM033 Improved Method of Testing Durability and Adhesion of Paints and Other Coatings ISATA -PROCEEDINGS-. 26th, 165-170

SHIPWAY, P. H. and HUTCHINGS, I. M., 1993. Fracture of brittle spheres under compression and impact loading. II. Results for lead-glass and sapphire spheres PHILOSOPHICAL MAGAZINE A. VOL 67(NUMBER 6), 1405

PEARCE, F. R., THOMAS, P. A. and COUCHMAN, H. M. P., 1993. Mergers of Collisionless Systems Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society. 264, 497

LANGLEY, R. S. and MCWILLIAM, S., 1993. A statistical analysis of first and second order vessel motions induced by waves and wind gusts APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. VOL 15(NUMBER 1), 13

MCWILLIAM, S. and LANGLEY, R. S., 1993. Extreme values of first- and second-order wave-induced vessel motions APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH. VOL 15(NUMBER 3), 169

GARVEY, S.D. and PENNY, J.E., 1992. An optimal method for the solution of the constrained Eigenvalue/response problem for large structures comprising rigidly connected substructures International Journal of Numerical Methods in Engineering. 33(6), 1139-1163
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398