Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


LI, MING, BARRETT, RICHARD A., SCULLY, STEPHEN, HARRISON, NOEL M., LEEN, SEAN B. and O'DONOGHUE, PADRAIC E., 2016. Cyclic plasticity of welded P91 material for simple and complex power plant connections INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FATIGUE. 87, 391-404

AMOOZGAR, MOHAMMADREZA and SHAHVERDI, HOSSEIN, 2016. Dynamic Instability of Beams Under Tip Follower Forces Using Geometrically Exact, Fully Intrinsic Equations Figshare.

MEDINA, E., MESEGUER, R., OCHOA, S.F. and MEDINA, H., 2016. Providing behaviour awareness in collaborative project courses Journal of Universal Computer Science. 22(10), 1319-1338

PORTER, S., SAUL, J., ALEKSANDROVA, S., MEDINA, H. and BENJAMIN, S., 2016. Hybrid flow modelling approach applied to automotive catalysts Applied Mathematical Modelling. 40(19-20), 8435-8445

H. MEDINA and R. MUTU, 2016. Angular-Contact Ball-Bearing Internal Load Estimation Algorithm Using Runtime Adaptive Relaxation In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM).

H. FADHILA, H. MEDINA, A. BEECHOOK, S. ALEKSANDROVA and S. BENJAMIN, 2016. Evaluation of Transition-Sensitive Eddy-Viscosity Turbulence Models for Separated Flow in OpenFOAM In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM).

A. BEECHOOK, H. MEDINA, H. FADHILA, S. ALEKSANDROVA and S. BENJAMIN, 2016. A Study on the Effect of FilterWidth on Large Eddy Simulation in OpenFOAM In: Proceedings of the 14th International Conference in Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics (ICNAAM).

E. MEDINA, D. V. D'AURELIO, R. MESEGUER, H. MEDINA, SERGIO F. OCHOA and MATTEO MAGNANI, 2016. Using Indirect Blockmodeling for Monitoring Students Roles in Collaborative Learning Networks In: Proceedings of the IEEE 20th International Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Design (CSCWD 2016).

ZAKARIA MANSOURI, MOKHTAR AOUISSI and TOUFIK BOUSHAKI, 2016. Numerical computations of premixed propane flame in a swirl-stabilized burner: Effects of hydrogen enrichment, swirl number and equivalence ratio on flame characteristics International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 41(22), 9664-9678

ZAKARIA MANSOURI, MOKHTAR AOUISSI and TOUFIK BOUSHAKI, 2016. A Numerical Study of Swirl Effects on the Flow and Flame Dynamics in a Lean Premixed Combustor International Journal of Heat and Technology. 34(2), 227-235

ZAKARIA MANSOURI, MOKHTAR AOUISSI and TOUFIK BOUSHAKI, 2016. Detached Eddy Simulation of High Turbulent Swirling Reacting Flow in a Premixed Model Burner Combustion Science and Technology. 188(11-12), 1777-1798

PAUL, SATYAM, YU, WEN and LI, XIAOOU, 2016. Recent advances in bidirectional modeling and structural control Shock and Vibration. 2016, 1-17

PAUL, SATYAM and YU, WEN, 2016. Intelligent Techniques for Bidirectional Structural Health Monitoring In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Mechatronics and Control Engineering. 52–56

PAUL, SATYAM and WEN YU, 2016. Stable active vibration control of building structure subjected to bidirectional earthquake In: 2016 13th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE). 1-6

PORTAPAS, VILIUS, COOKE, ALASTAIR K. and LONE, MOHAMMAD M., 2016. Modelling framework for flight dynamics of flexible aircraft: Aviation Aviation. 20(4), 173-182
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398