Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


TAYLOR J.M. EASTWICK C.N and LAWRENCE C.. WILSON R., 2010. Noise Issues, Noise Levels and Noise Perception from Small and Micro Wind Turbines In: Institute of Acoustics Wind Turbine Noise Conference.

WEBB, T, EASTWICK, C and MORVAN, H, 2010. CFD MODELLING OF GEAR WINDAGE LOSSES: TWO PHASE MODELLING USING PARTICLE INJECTIONS In: Proceedings of Proceedings of the ASME 2010 10th Biennial Conference on Engineering, ESDA 2010. ESDA2010-24654

ALGHOUL, S.K, EASTWICK C.N and HANN D.B., 2010. Experimental investigation of a Single Droplet Interaction with Shear Driven Film In: ILASS Europe 2010 23rd Annual Conference on Liquid Atomisation and Spray Systems. Paper ID 28

TAYLOR J.M, EASTWICK C.N, LAWRENCE, C and WILSON R., 2010. Noise Levels and Characteristics from Small and Micro Wind Turbines In: Renewable UK 2010,.

WEBB, T, EASTWICK, C and MORVAN, H, 2010. PARAMETRIC MODELLING OF A SPIRAL BEVEL GEAR USING CFD In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea and Air. GT2010-22632

M. JABBAL, S. LIDDLE and W. CROWTHER, 2010. Active flow control systems architectures for civil transport aircraft Journal of Aircraft. 47, 1966-1981

EARLY, J. M., MEDINA, H. and MCROBERTS, R., 2010. Effect of three-dimensional surface perturbations on boundary layer transitional characteristics In: Proceedings of the 48th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition.

MCROBERTS, R., EARLY, J. M., SPENCE, S. and MEDINA, H., 2010. Investigation of utilizing a single surface depression in optimisation of NLF aerofoil design In: Proceedings of the 28th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference.

N. MADHAVAN and H. MEDINA, 2010. Pulsed engine powered MAV: Airframe configurations and wing morphing with cross-winds In: Proceedings of the RAeS Aerodynamics Conference.

MEDINA, H., BENARD, E. and EARLY, J.M., 2010. Reynolds number effects on fully-developed pulsed jets impinging on flat surfaces In: Proceedings of the 40th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit.

CHANDRA, B., SIMMONS, K., PICKERING, S. and TITTEL, M., 2010. Factors affecting oil removal from an aeroengine bearing chamber

CHOUVION, B., FOX, C.H.J., MCWILLIAM, S. and POPOV, A.A., 2010. In-plane free vibration analysis of combined ring-beam structural systems by wave propagation Journal of Sound and Vibration. 329(24), 5087-5104

NASIR, T., YOUSIF, B.F., MCWILLIAM, S., SALIH, N.D. and HUI, L.T., 2010. An Artificial Neural Network For Prediction Of The Friction Coefficient Of Multi-Layer Polymeric Composites In Three Different Orientations Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part C-Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Science. 224(C2), 419-429

YOUSIF, B.F., LAU, S.T.W. and MCWILLIAM, S., 2010. Polyester Composite Based On Betelnut Fibre For Tribological Applications Tribology International. 43(1-2), 503-511
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398