Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group


EASTWICK, C.N., HEUBNER, K., AZZOPARDI, B.J., SIMMONS, K.A., YOUNG, C. and MORRISON, R., 2005. Film flow around bearing chamber support structures In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea and Air.

LEE, C.W., PALMA, P.C., SIMMONS, K. and PICKERING, S.J., 2005. Comparison of computational fluid dynamics and particle image velocimetry data for the airflow in an aeroengine bearing chamber Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power. 127(4), 697-703

AL-HAJERI, M.H., AROUSSI, A., SIMMONS, K. and PICKERING, S.J., 2005. A parametric study of filtration through a ceramic candle filter Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Part A, Journal of Power and Energy. 219(1), 77-90

FARRALL, M., HIBBERD, S., SIMMONS, K. and YOUNG, C., 2005. Computational investigation of the airflow through a shrouded bevel gear. In: ASME INTERNATIONAL GAS TURBINE INSTITUTE, ed., Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Power for Land, Sea, and Air Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, June 6-9, 2005. GT2005. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Paper 68879

FARRALL, M., HIBBERD, S., SIMMONS, K. and YOUNG, C., 2005. Computational investigation of the airflow through a shrouded bevel gear. In: ASME INTERNATIONAL GAS TURBINE INSTITUTE, ed., Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005, Power for Land, Sea, and Air Conference, Reno, Nevada, USA, June 6-9, 2005. GT2005. New York: American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Paper 68879

EASTWICK, C.N., HEUBNER, K., AZZOPARDI, B.J., SIMMONS, K.A., YOUNG, C. and MORRISON, R., 2005. Film flow around bearing chamber support structures In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea and Air.

FARRALL, M, SIMMONS, K, HIBBERD, S and YOUNG, C, 2005. Computational Investigation Of The Airflow Through A Shrouded Bevel Gear

EASTWICK, C, HUEBNER, K, AZZOPARDI, B, SIMMONS, K, YOUNG, C and MORRISON, R, 2005. Film Flow Around Bearing Chamber Support Structures

AL-HAJERI, MH, AROUSSI, A, SIMMONS, K and PICKERING, SJ, 2005. A Parametric Study Of Filtration Through A Ceramic Candle Filter Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal Of Power And Energy. 219(A1), 77-90

ROURKE, A.K., MCWILLIAM, S. and FOX, C.H.J., 2005. Frequency trimming of a vibrating ring-based multi-axis rate sensor Journal of Sound and Vibration. 280(3-5), 495-530

MCWILLIAM, S., ONG, J. and FOX, C.H.J., 2005. On the statistics of natural frequency splitting for rings with random mass imperfections Journal of Sound and Vibration. 279(1-2), 453-470

COULTATE, J.K., FOX, C.H.J., MCWILLIAM, S. and MALVERN, A.R., 2005. Multi-objective optimization of a MEMS accelerometer In: Proceedings of 16th Micro-Mechanics Europe Workshop. 148-151 (In Press.)

ROURKE, A.K., FOX, C.H.J. and MCWILLIAM, S., 2005. A novel perturbation approach for curve veering analysis in imperfect rings In: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Technical University of Ostrava. 355-360 (In Press.)

SERANDOUR, G.B.D., FOX, C.H.J. and MCWILLIAM, S., 2005. Geometric non-linearity in rings supported by folded beams In: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference, Technical University of Ostrava. 361-364 (In Press.)

ROURKE, A.K., MCWILLIAM, S. and FOX, C.H.J., 2005. A perturbation approach to the curve veering phenomenum in the frequency matching of multi-axis ring modes In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference on Structural Dynamics. 1119-1124 (In Press.)
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Mechanical and Aerospace Systems Research Group

Energy Technologies Building
The University of Nottingham, Jubilee Campus
Triumph Road, NG7 2TU

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86398