Mixed Reality Laboratory

MRL @ 20

As 2019 marks both the 20th anniversary of the Mixed Reality Lab and the first time CHI—the leading global venue for HCI research—is in the United Kingdom, we felt it was a perfect opportunity to showcase many of the pieces of our work we usually can't demonstrate (have you tried packing a caravan in your suitcase?).
Our exhibition will open during the demo time and all conference breaks!




The vision of the MRL is to create interactive technologies that enhance everyday life. Our interests are wide ranging and constantly evolving, shaping emerging technologies, exploring future applications, and establishing overarching concepts and methods.

Prof. Steve Benford, MRL co-founder
Steve Benford


At this year's CHI we will have eight interactive exhibits from the past twenty years of the lab's work. From swings to brain-controlled cinema in a caravan, we sure can't wait to show you our work. Learn about our exhibits below.

Broncomatic under the hood


Control a Bucking Bronco with your breath.

Prof. Steve Benford with the Carolan Guitar

Carolan Guitar

Play the guitar that blogs its own life.



Watch a brain-controlled movie in a caravan.

The Prediction Machine in action

Prediction Machine

Find a prediction for the future of our climate.

Thresholds in the real world


Explore an early exhibition of photography in VR.



Fly your airship by touching your friend to win the game.

Videos available on the MRL Video Kiosk

Video Kiosk

Watch videos by the MRL from 1999 through to 2019.

People swinging in the VR Playground

VR Playground

Swing in the real world, while wearing a VR headset.



Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk