Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talks by Nils Jäger and Richard Wetzel

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 23rd October 2015 (12:00-13:00)

We will hear talks from Nils Jäger and Richard Wetzel, both of the MRL.

Nils Jäger: Adaptive Architecture in Residential Care of Older People

We are currently designing and fabricating a new prototype of adaptive architecture. This will be the first of our prototypes to be deployed in a real world setting: a local residential care home. The prototype is part of an on-going research programme around adaptive architectural prototypes and their effects on inhabitants.

We present the current state of development, highlighting the motivation and challenges of the work. This includes some of the theory from previous work and how we think it might apply to and be used in this new context.

Richard Wetzel: Sparking Ideas with Mixed Reality Game Cards

As my PhD I have developed a deck of ideation cards to investigate how such cards shape the collaborative design process. The Mixed Reality Game Cards have been used in several workshops to create and evolve mixed reality game design ideas. In this talk I will discuss two of the aspects I have been investigating: The role that randomness and theme cards play when coming up with initial ideas.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk