Mixed Reality Laboratory

Guest Speakers: Emilie Giles and Janet van der Linden

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 1st April 2016 (12:00-13:00)

Emilie Giles and Janet van der Linden, both from Open University, will give a talk on their eTextiles work to the Mixed Reality Lab.

Within the field of electronic textiles (eTextiles) there is largely a focus on the visual design of objects or wearables, with less emphasis being put on how the textiles themselves might feel. Our research explores the use of conductive threads, fibres and yarns as tangible interfaces. We will discuss the use of eTextiles as touch-based interfaces, showing two recent research projects.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk