Mixed Reality Laboratory

Guest Speaker: Mateusz Dubiel

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 27th July 2018 (12:00-13:00)

Mateusz Dubiel, a PhD candidate at Strathclyde University, will give a guest talk on Conversational Search Agents to the lab.

Investigating how Conversational Search Agents Affect User's Behaviour, Performance and Search Experience

Voice based search systems currently do not support natural conversational interaction. Consequently, people tend to limit their use of voice search to simple navigational tasks, as more complex search tasks require more sophisticated dialogue modelling. Previous research has demonstrated that a voice based search system’s inability to preserve contextual information leads to user’s dissatisfaction and discourages further usage. In my talk, I will explore how people’s search behaviour, performance and perception of usability change when interacting with a conversational search system which supports natural language interaction, as opposed to a voice based search system which does not.

About Mateusz

Mateusz Dubiel is a PhD candidate in the department of Computer and information Sciences at Strathclyde University in Glasgow . His research is focused on development and evaluation of conversational search agents. Mateusz holds an MSc in Speech and Language Processing from The University of Edinburgh.

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk