Mixed Reality Laboratory

Talks by Aleksandra Landowska and Andriana Boudouraki

Mixed Reality Lab Meeting Space
Friday 13th March 2020 (12:00-13:00)

Aleksandra Landowska and Andriana Boudouraki, who are both new to the lab, will introduce themselves and their work.

Aleksandra Landowska - Immersive neuroimaging for reserach and therapy 

Emerging technological advances in brain imaging and immersive technologies offer unprecedented opportunities for the researchers and clinicians to design new tools and applications in research and therapy. Over a past few years, my research focused on combining a range of VR/AR and 3D audio technologies with wireless brain imaging to investigate the impact of immersion on brain activity and cognition, with a specific focus on application in mental health. This approach could bridge the gap between the controllability of design and naturalness of response in research and therapy and potentially opens the door to more ecologically valid immersive neuroimaging for detection, prevention and treatment of a range of mental disorders. 

Andriana Boudouraki - Social Interactions via Mobile Robotic Telepresence

Mobile Robotic Telepresence, or videoconferencing on wheels, allows us to perform more tasks than traditional remote communication systems. It also gives rise to informal interactions at the workplace and creates a stronger sense of presence among remote and local colleagues. Still, the technology does not perfectly mimic face-to-face communication, leading to awkward and problematic incidents. In this talk, I will present some of the more interesting findings from the literature so far and discuss my research plans. 

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk