Mixed Reality Laboratory

Savannah (2003)

Savannah was an ambitious combination of games technology, mobile computing and innovative approaches to teaching and learning. It supports Year 7 children to become collaborative, reflective and imaginative learners in the fields of ecology and ethology.

The project brings together the motivation of games play, with the near magical quality of wireless computing to create an engaging world where children learn through a cycle of experience and reflection, of 'being' animals and reflecting on animals' behaviour in their environment.


In collaboration with Mobile Bristol, the BBC, and Futurelab.


Keri Facer, Richard Joiner, Danaë Stanton, Josephine Reid, Richard Hull, and David Kirk. 2004. Savannah: mobile gaming and learning?. Journal of Computer assisted learning 20, 6. Wiley, 399-409.

Steve Benford, Duncan Rowland, Martin Flintham, Richard Hull, Jo Reid, Jo Morrison, Keri Facer, and Ben Clayton. 2004. Savannah: Designing a location-based game simulating lion behaviour. In International conference on advances in computer entertainment technology (ACE '04).



This page was last updated on 01 May 2020 at 08:30 (GMT)

Mixed Reality Laboratory

University of Nottingham
School of Computer Science
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

email: mrl@cs.nott.ac.uk