Ulrike and Eamon Compliant (2009)
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant is a game that places each participant at the centre of a world of bank robbings, assassinations and betrayals.
Assume the role of Ulrike or Eamon and make a walk through the city while receiving phone calls. The project is based on real world events and is an explicit engagement with political questions. What are our obligations to act on our political beliefs? And what are the consequences of taking those actions?
Ulrike and Eamon Compliant
In collaboration with Blast Theory.
Commissioned by the De La Warr Pavilion for the Venice Biennale. Supported by funding from Arts Council England and Turning Point South East.
Peter Tolmie, Steve Benford, Martin Flintham, Patrick Brundell, Matt Adams, Nicholas Tandavantij, Ju Row Far, and Gabriella Giannachi. 2012. "Act natural": instructions, compliance and accountability in ambulatory experiences. In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '12). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1519-1528. https:/doi.org/10.1145/2207676.2208616
Photo credit: Blast Theory
This page was last updated on 01 May 2020 at 08:35 (GMT)