Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics


DIMITRIOS ZEKKOS, ADDA ATHANASOPOULOS-ZEKKOS, ATHINA GRIZI and WILLIAM GREENWOOD, 2014. The Case History of a Railroad Embankment Failure in the City of Ann Arbor, Michigan, As a Means of Teaching Geotechnical Engineering In: 7th Greek National Conference in Geomechanics.

HERON, C.M., HAIGH, S.K. and MADABHUSHI, S.P.G>, 2014. Susceptibility of Shallow Foundations to Rocking and Sliding Movements during Seismic Loading. In: ILKI, A. and FARDIS, M.N., eds., Seismic Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Structures 26. Springer International Publishing. 407-424

TSINIDIS G, HERON C, PITILAKIS K and MADABHUSHI G, 2014. Physical modeling for the evaluation of the seismic behavior of square tunnels Geotechnical, Geological and Earthquake Engineering. Volume 26, 2014, Pages 389-406,

HERON C.M., HAIGH S.K. and MADABHUSHI S.P.G., 2014. Isolating shallow foundations from seismic loading In: Physical Modelling in Geotechnics - Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Physical Modelling in Geotechnics.

MCDOWELL, G.R. and DE BONO, J.P., 2013. On the micro mechanics of one-dimensional normal compression Géotechnique. 63(11), 895-908

CAI, W., MCDOWELL, G.R. and AIREY, G.D., 2013. Discrete element modelling of uniaxial constant strain rate tests on asphalt mixtures Granular Matter. 15(2), 163-174

LI H, MCDOWELL G R and LOWNDES I S, 2013. Discrete-element modelling of rock breakage using dense random packing Geotechnique Letters. 3, 98-102

MCDOWELL, G. R. and DE BONO, J. P., 2013. A new creep law for crushable aggregates GEOTECHNIQUE LETTERS. 3, 103-107

MCDOWELL, G. R., DE BONO, J. P., YUE, P. and YU, H-S., 2013. Micro mechanics of isotropic normal compression ICE Virtual Library.

CAI W., MCDOWELL G.R., AIREY G.D., 2013. Discrete element visco-elastic modelling of a realistic graded asphalt mixture Soils and Foundations. 54(1), 12-22

MO P. Q., MARSHALL, A. M. and YU, H. S., 2013. Centrifuge modelling of CPT in layered soils In: 4th International Conference on Site Characterization (ISC'4). 219-225

YANG, W., HUSSEIN, H., MARSHALL, A. M. and COX, C., 2013. Centrifuge and numerical modelling of ground-borne vibration from surface sources Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 44, 78-89

YANG, W., HUSSEIN, M.F.M. and MARSHALL, A.M., 2013. Centrifuge and numerical modelling of ground-borne vibration from an underground tunnel Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering. 51, 23-34

YANG, W., JIA, Y., MARSHALL, A.M., WANATOWSKI, D. and STACE, L.R., 2013. Experimental and numerical modelling of the weathering effects on shaft lining material In: Proc. the 35th International Conference of Safety in Mines Research Institutes, 15-17 October 2013, London. CD-ROM
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Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD