Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics


MCDOWELL, G. R. and AMON, A., 2000. The Application of Weibull Statistics to the Fracture of Soil Particles SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS -TOKYO-. VOL 40(PART 5), 133-142

MCDOWELL, G.R. and BOLTON, M.D., 2000. Reply to discussion on: The micro mechanics of crushable aggregates Geotechnique. 50(3), 315-318

MCDOWELL, G. R., 2000. A Family of Yield Loci Based on Micro Mechanics SOILS AND FOUNDATIONS -TOKYO-. VOL 40(PART 6), 133-137

MCDOWELL, G. R. and BOLTON, M. D., 1999. A micro mechanical model for isotropic cyclic loading of isotropically clastically compressed soil Granular Matter. VOL 1(NUMB 4), 183-194

MCDOWELL, G.R., 1999. Micro mechanics of clastic soil In: 2nd International Workshop on Soil Crushability.

MCDOWELL, G.R. and BOLTON, M.D., 1999. Effect of particle size distribution on pile penetration in calcareous sand in the geotechnical centrifuge In: 4th International Conference on Deep Foundation Practice Incorportating Piletalk International '99.

MCDOWELL, G. R. and BOLTON, M. D., 1998. On the micromechanics of crushable aggregates Geotechnique. VOL 48(NUMBER 5), 667-680

MCDOWELL, G.R. and BOLTON, M.D., 1997. A micro mechanical model for overconsolidated behaviour in soils In: Powders and Grains 97. 203-206

MCDOWELL, G.R., BOLTON, M.D. and ROBERTSON, D., 1997. A numerical representation of fracturing granular materials International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics. 21, 825-843

MCDOWELL, G. R., BOLTON, M. D. and ROBERTSON, D., 1996. The fractal crushing of granular materials Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. VOL 44(NUMBER 12), 2079-2102

BOLTON, M.D. and MCDOWELL, G.R., 1996. Clastic mechanics In: IUTAM Symposium on mechanics of granular and porous materials. 35-46

BROWN, S.F., BRODRICK, B.V. and THOM, N.H. AND MCDOWELL, G.R., The Nottingham Railway Test Facility (In Press.)

BROWN, S.F, BRODRICK, B.V and THOM, N.H. AND MCDOWELL, G.R., The Nottingham Railway Test Facility Proceeding of the Institution of Civil Engineers: Transport. (In Press.)

GIORDANO, P. F., PRENDERGAST, L. J. and LIMONGELLI, M. P., A framework for assessing the value of information for health monitoring of scoured bridges: Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring. 12

OBRIEN, E. J., MCCRUM, D. P., KHAN, M. A. and PRENDERGAST, L. J., Wavelet-based operating deflection shapes for locating scour-related stiffness losses in multi-span bridges: Structure and Infrastructure Engineering Structure and Infrastructure Engineering.
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Nottingham Centre for Geomechanics

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD