One Virology


For more information about equine influenza virus, please contact Janet Daly.

Bambra W, Daly JM, Kendall NR, Gardner DS, Brennan M, Kydd JH (2020) Equine influenza vaccination as reported by horse-owners and factors influencing their decision to vaccinate or not. Prev Vet Med. 180:105011. 

Daly JM, Megid J, Langoni H, de Nardi Júnior G, Ribeiro MG (2020) Retrospective serological survey for influenza in horses from Brazil. Braz J Microbiol. 1–6. doi:10.1007/s42770-020-00398-8. 

Jurado-Tarifa E, Cano-Terriza D, Daly JM, Arenas A, García-Bocanegra I (2020) Serosurvey of pandemic H1N1 influenza A virus in dogs in Andalusia. Zoonoses Public Health. 67:863–867.  

Kinsley R, Pronost S, De Bock M, Temperton N, Daly JM, Paillot R, Scott S (2020) Evaluation of a pseudotyped virus neutralisation test for measurement of equine influenza A virus neutralizing antibody responses induced by vaccination and infection. Vaccines 8:466. 

Daly JM, Kembou JET. (2019) Equine, canine and swine influenza. Chapter 00154 In: Encyclopedia of Virology 4th edition. DOI: 10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.20978-3. [Review] 

Jurado-Tarifa E, Daly JM, Pérez-Écija A, Barba-Recreo M, Mendoza FJ, Al-Shuwaikh AM, García-Bocanegra I (2018) Epidemiological survey of equine influenza in Andalusia, Spain. Prev Vet Med 151:52–6.

Kinsley R, Scott SD and Daly JM. 2016. Controlling equine influenza: Traditional to nextgeneration serological assays. Veterinary Microbiology, 187, 15-20.

Barca M and Daly JM. 2016. The Influenza NS1 Protein: What Do We Know in EquineInfluenza Virus Pathogenesis? Pathogens, 5, 57.

Scott SD, Kinsley R, Temperton N and Daly JM. 2016. The Optimisation of PseudotypedViruses for the Characterisation of Immune Responses to Equine Influenza Virus.Pathogens, 5, 68.

Woodward AL, Rash AS, Blinman D, Bowman S, Chambers TM, Daly JM, Damiani A,Joseph S, Lewis N, McCauley JW, Medcalf L, Mumford J, Newton JR, Tiwari A, Bryant NA and Elton DM. 2014. Development of a surveillance scheme for equine influenza in the UKand characterisation of viruses isolated in Europe, Dubai and the USA from 2010-2012. VetMicrobiol, 169, 113-27.

Murcia PR, Baillie GJ, Stack JC, Jervis C, Elton D, Mumford JA, Daly J, Kellam P,Grenfell BT, Holmes EC and Wood JL. 2013. Evolution of equine influenza virus invaccinated horses. J Virol, 87, 4768-71.

Daly JM and Elton D. 2013. Potential of a sequence-based antigenic distance measureto indicate equine influenza vaccine strain efficacy. Vaccine, 31, 6043-5.

Elton D, Bruce EA, Bryant N, Wise HM, Macrae S, Rash A, Smith N, Turnbull ML,Medcalf L, Daly JM and Digard P. 2013. The genetics of virus particle shape in equineinfluenza A virus. Influenza and Other Respiratory Viruses, 7, 81-89. 

Daly JM, Newton JR, Wood JL and Park AW. 2013. What can mathematical models bring tothe control of equine influenza? Equine Vet J, 45, 784-8.

Daly JM. 2012. Neuraminidase inhibitors for treatment of equine influenza - when all elsefails? Vet J, 193, 313-4.

Scott S, Molesti E, Temperton N, Ferrara F, Böttcher-Friebertshäuser E and Daly JM. 2012. The use of equine influenza pseudotypes for serological screening. J Mol Gen Med, 6, 304

Lewis NS, Daly JM, Russell CA, Horton DL, Skepner E, Bryant NA, Burke DF, Rash AS,Wood JL, Chambers TM, Fouchier RA, Mumford JA, Elton DM and Smith DJ. 2011.

Lewis NS, Daly JM, Russell CA, Horton DL, Skepner E, Bryant NA, Burke DF, Rash AS,Wood JL, Chambers TM, Fouchier RA, Mumford JA, Elton DM and Smith DJ. 2011. Antigenic and genetic evolution of equine influenza A (H3N8) virus from 1968 to 2007. J Virol, 85, 12742-9.

Daly JM, Macrae S, Newton JR, Wattrang E and Elton DM. 2011. Equine influenza: a reviewof an unpredictable virus. Vet J, 189, 7-14.

Baguelin M, Newton J, Demiris N, Daly J, Mumford J and Wood J. 2010. Control of equineinfluenza: scenario testing using a realistic metapopulation model of spread. Journal of TheRoyal Society Interface, 7, 67-79.

Saenz RA, Quinlivan M, Elton D, Macrae S, Blunden AS, Mumford JA, Daly JM, Digard P,Cullinane A and Grenfell BT. 2010. Dynamics of influenza virus infection and pathology. J Virol, 84, 3974-3983.

Murcia PR, Baillie GJ, Daly JM, Elton D, Jervis C, Mumford JA, Newton R, Parrish CR,Hoelzer K and Dougan G. 2010. Intra-and interhost evolutionary dynamics of equineinfluenza virus. J Virol, 84, 6943-6954.

Park AW, Daly JM, Lewis NS, Smith DJ, Wood JL and Grenfell, BT. 2009. Quantifying theimpact of immune escape on transmission dynamics of influenza. Science, 326, 726-8.

One Virology

University of Nottingham