Optics and Photonics Research Group

Francisco Ulises Hernandez Ledezma

Research and Engagement Fellow. Quantum Sensing and Engineering, Faculty of Engineering



Dr Ulises Hernandez is Research and Engagement Fellow in the Optics and Photonics Research Group and the Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (Diamond Quantum Sensing Research Hub at the University of Nottingham). Ulises obtained a PhD in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the University of Nottingham and recently completed a senior leader master degree program underpinned by an executive MBA at Nottingham Trent Univesity. Ulises studied a MSc in optical-mechatronics, a BSc in Physics and he has worked as Optics & Photonics (R&D) engineer in the industry for 3 years. His R&D work has demonstrated the practical applications of optical fibre technology in the fields of sports, healthcare and now he is exploring their applications into quantum sensing engineering and manufacturing sector.

Expertise Summary

Ulises responsibilities in the Diamond Quantum Sensing Research Hub include the engagement with SMEs, deliver research projects in quantum sensing and showcase the research capabilities of the research group.

Summary of professional expertise:

  • Highly self-motivated researcher and entrepreneur with know-how skills in R&D and Project Engineering management. PhD thesis: development of optical sensors for pressure, humidity, temperature, and biochemical sensing.
  • Expertise in Advanced Manufacturing, Physics, Optics & Photonics, Optical Metrology, Optical Fibre Sensors, Mechatronics and Electronics applied to industry.
  • As a chartered manager fellow (CMgr FCMI) and accredited senior leader in the fields of: (1) Leading & Developing People; (2) Developing Collaborative Relationships; (3) Consultancy and Strategy; (4) Innovation and Change Knowledge; (5) Enterprise & Risk Knowledge; (6) Financial Management.
  • Demonstrated experience in Biomedical Engineering (two years in hospital environment).
  • Involvement in verification/validation processes in the Medical Device Industry at the United Kingdom.
  • Experience working with clinicians, researchers, and industry stakeholders in multidisciplinary R&D projects.

Teaching Summary

Teaching assistant in the Faculty of Engineering: > Biomedical Optics Project (MSc program, H64BMP).

Experience as laboratory demonstrator in the Faculty of Engineering: > Transistor Amplifier Design (BEng program, H62ELD). > Introduction to Computer Engineering Laboratories (BEng program, H61ICP). > Orcad, Matlab and Analog Electronics as laboratory facilities (BEng program, H61LSAM). > Computer Methods in Matlab (Foundation courses, H10ECM & H10CMP). > Mathematics workshops (BEng program, H61SCP).

Marking and Assessment in the Faculty of Engineering: > Transistor Amplifier Design (BEng program, H62ELD). > Orcad, Matlab and Analog Electronics as laboratory facilities (BEng program, H61LSAM).

Optics and Photonics Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15536
email: optics@nottingham.ac.uk