Optics and Photonics Research Group


MOUTHAAN, R., CHRISTOPHER, P., FROSZ, M., GORDON, G., WILKINSON, T. and EUSER, T., 2021. Efficient Holographic Excitation of Modes in Hollow-Core Photonic Crystal Fibre

ZAKI, W. S. W., CORREIA, R., KORPOSH, S., HAYES-GILL, B. R. and MORGAN, S. P., 2020. Development of wearable optical-based fibre sensor system for pulse transit time measurement

SAMUEL C COE, MATTHEW D. WADGE, REDA M. FELFEL, IFTY AHMED, GAVIN S WALKER, COLIN A. SCOTCHFORD and DAVID M. GRANT, 2020. Production of High Silicon-Doped Hydroxyapatite Thin Film Coatings via Magnetron Sputtering: Deposition, Characterisation, and In Vitro Biocompatibility Coatings. 10(2), 190

LIU, C., CORREIA, R., BALLAJI, H., KORPOSH, S., HAYES‐GILL, B. and MORGAN, S., 2020. Optical fibre sensor for simultaneous measurement of capillary refill time and contact pressure: Sensors (Switzerland) 20(5),

HE, C., KORPOSH, S., HERNANDEZ, F. U., LIU, L., CORREIA, R., HAYES-GILL, B. R. and MORGAN, S. P., 2020. Real-Time Humidity Measurement during Sports Activity using Optical Fibre Sensing: Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) Sensors (Basel, Switzerland). 20(7),

HENRY, C., SHIPLEY, L., WARD, C., MIRAHMADI, S., LIU, C., MORGAN, S., CROWE, J., CARPENTER, J., HAYES-GILL, B. and SHARKEY, D., 2020. Accurate neonatal heart rate monitoring using a new wireless, cap mounted device: Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics.

HENRY, C., SHIPLEY, L., WARD, C., MIRAHMADI, S., LIU, C., MORGAN, S., CROWE, J., CARPENTER, J., HAYES-GILL, B. and SHARKEY, D., 2020. Accurate neonatal heart rate monitoring using a new wireless, cap mounted device: Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics.

MORGAN, S. P., CORREIA, R., KORPOSH, S., AL-BADRI, M., HAYES-GILL, B. R., NORRIS, A. M., SINHA, R., HARDMAN, J. G., GARDNER, D. S. and TALBOT, S., 2020. Development and translation of intra-tracheal multiplexed sensing endotracheal tubes (iTraXS)

BALLAJI, H. K., CORREIA, R., KORPOSH, S., HAYES-GILL, B. R., HERNANDEZ, F. U., SALISBURY, B. and MORGAN, S. P., 2020. A textile sleeve for monitoring oxygen saturation using multichannel optical fibre photoplethysmography: Sensors (Switzerland) 20(22), 1-29

PÉREZ-COTA, F., LA CAVERA III, S., NAZNIN, S., FUENTES-DOMÍNGUEZ, R., SMITH, R. J. and CLARK, M., 2020. Apparent attenuation by opto-acoustic defocus in phonon microscopy: Photoacoustics Photoacoustics. 19,

DRYBURGH, P., SMITH, R. J., MARROW, P., LAIN'E, S. J., SHARPLES, S. D., CLARK, M. and LI, W., 2020. Determining the crystallographic orientation of hexagonal crystal structure materials with surface acoustic wave velocity measurements: Ultrasonics Ultrasonics. 108,

CHAPLAIN, G. J., DE PONTI, J. M., COLOMBI, A., FUENTES-DOMINGUEZ, R., DRYBURG, P., PIERIS, D., SMITH, R. J., CLARE, A., CLARK, M. and CRASTER, R. V., 2020. Tailored elastic surface to body wave Umklapp conversion: Nature Communications Nature Communications. 11(1),

PÉREZ-COTA, F., FUENTES-DOMÍNGUEZ, R., LA CAVERA, S., HARDIMAN, W., YAO, M., SETCHFIELD, K., MORADI, E., NAZNIN, S., WRIGHT, A., WEBB, K. F., HUETT, A., FRIEL, C., SOTTILE, V., ELSHEIKHA, H. M., SMITH, R. J. and CLARK, M., 2020. Picosecond ultrasonics for elasticity-based imaging and characterization of biological cells: Journal of Applied Physics Journal of Applied Physics. 128(16),

PARTRIDGE, T. J., MORRIS, D. E., LIGHT, R. A., LESLIE, A., SHARKEY, D., CROWE, J. A. and MCNALLY, D. S., 2020. Finding Comfortable Routes for Ambulance Transfers of Newborn Infants

PARTRIDGE, T. J., MORRIS, D. E., LIGHT, R. A., LESLIE, A., SHARKEY, D., CROWE, J. A. and MCNALLY, D. S., 2020. Finding Comfortable Routes for Ambulance Transfers of Newborn Infants
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Optics and Photonics Research Group

Faculty of Engineering
The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 95 15536
email: optics@nottingham.ac.uk