Renal Research

Kidney Conference Success!


With a record number of abstracts and invited talks, the Centre for Kidney Research (CKRI) and Derby Renal Unit research teams have had their most successful conferences ever.

At UK Kidney Week, the annual conference of UK Renal Association and British Renal Society, we had 5 invited lectures and 24 original abstracts presented by members from across the multidisciplinary renal team.

At the international level, we had an equally strong presence at the European Renal Association Conference. A full list of all of the presentations is included below. Some of our presentations attracted attention from the medical press, demonstrating the impact of our work; one of these was Kerry Horne’s presentation of 30-year follow up data from the ARID pilot study.


Dr Adam Shardlow presenting data from the RRID study at UKKW
in the main auditorium


More photos from the conferences available on Twitter @DerbyRenalTeam.


Full list of recent conference presentations

UK Kidney Week 2016

5 invited talks

  • Richard Fluck (3): The Mallick Lecture; ‘Thinking Kidneys, raising the profile of AKI in England’; ‘DOPPS vascular access’
  • Maarten Taal: ‘Was NICE right to recommend cystatin C?’
  • Fiona Robertson: ‘Excess treatment costs: how to make them work for you’


Original abstract presentations:

  1. CKD Remission in a Prospective Cohort of people with CKD stage 3 recruited from primary 
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  2. Change in Skin Autofluorescence over one year Predicts mortality at five years in a prospective cohort of people with CKD stage 3.
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  3. Vitamin D deficiency and elevated PTH but not FGF-23 predict all cause mortality in people with CKD stage 3 in primary care
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  4. Improving Study Participant Experience and Involvement through feedback meetings. RA Packington, A Shardlow, MW Taal 

  5. Assessment of Visual Acuity changes in response to Haemodialysis. H Mahmoud, NM Selby 

  6. Myocardial Stunning during renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury. H Mahmoud, CW McIntyre, NM Selby 

  7. Impact of FGF23 on evolution of left ventricular hypertrophy in incident dialysis patients : A prospective study.
LE Crowley, MT Eldehni, Odudu A, Pitchard C, MW Taal, NM Selby 

  8. Intradialytic Cardiac MRI to assess cardiovascular responses in a randomised controlled trial of haemodiafiltration vs. haemodialysis.
M Azahruddin, NM Selby, MW Taal 

  9. Pre-emptive Rehabilitation to prevent dialysis-associated morbidity (PREHAB): results from a single centre pilot study
F Willingham, MW Taal 

  10. Pneumocystis Jiroveci is a serious threat to renal transplant patients: Further results from a single centre outbreak
M Kilmurray, LJ Chesterton 

  11. AKI is associated with significant Deterioration in renal function and proteinuria which persists to 3 years: results of a prospective case-control study
KL Horne, RA Packington, J Monaghan, T Reilly, NV Kolhe, RJ Fluck, MW Taal NM Selby 

  12. Risk Factors for chronic kidney disease progression after acute kidney injury.
KL Horne, RA Packington, J Monaghan, T Reilly, NV Kolhe, RJ Fluck, MW Taal NM Selby 

  13. Development of a patient safety index for haemodialysis K White 

  14. A Simple care bundle for use in acute kidney injury: A propensity-matched cohort study NV Kolhe, JC Leung, T Reilly, K Swinscoe, RJ Fluck, MW Taal, NM Selby 

  15. Comparison of regional variation in acute kidney injury requiring dialysis in England from 2000 to 2015 - population based cohort study of national registry
NV Kolhe, A Muirhead, T Reilly, MW Taal 

  16. What Impact does a specialist pharmacist service have on the post discharge communication of medicines optomisation issues in patients with acute kidney
D Moore, S Shaw 

  17. Assessing the use of the acute kidney injury risk assessment tool and the role of the pharmacist in the identification and prevention of AKI on the medical
A Akani, S Shaw 

  18. Are we Preparing our patients for self-management of their blood pressure? S Shaw, S McCann, CMY Pui, MW Taal 

  19. Improving the monitoring of diabetes in haemodialysis patients C McGuire, N Lloyd, S Roberts 

  20. Patient Experience - Ward Events C McGuire, N Lloyd, S Roberts 

  21. The Role of the non-denomonational renal volunteer. L Allen, LJ Chesterton 

  22. The Tree of Rememberance: Further Lessons from Year 2. L Allen, LJ Chesterton
  23. A Service evaluation of Nurse-Led Ultrasound assessment of arterio-venous fistulae and grafts for haemodialysis
CA Fielding, L Berino, RJ Fluck, P Owen, LJ Chesterton 

  24. Evaluation of the feasibility of the introduction of an off ward chair-based exercise class: a pragmatic pilot and observational study
G von Fragstein, B Villaraiz, S Roberts, I Speelman, NV Kolhe 

EDTA 2016

Invited talk:

  • Nick Selby: ‘Managing AKI in the general ward, the UK experience’


Original abstract presentations:

  1. CKD Remission in a Prospective Cohort of people with CKD stage 3 recruited from primary 
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  2. Change in Skin Autofluorescence over one year Predicts mortality at five years in a prospective cohort of people with CKD stage 3.
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  3. Vitamin D deficiency and elevated PTH but not FGF-23 predict all cause mortality in people with CKD stage 3 in primary care
A Shardlow, NJ McIntyre, RJ Fluck, CW MCIntyre, MW Taal 

  4. Assessment of Visual Acuity changes in response to Haemodialysis. H Mahmoud, NM Selby 

  5. Myocardial Stunning during renal replacement therapy for acute kidney injury H Mahmoud, CW McIntyre, NM Selby 

  6. Impact of FGF23 on evolution of left ventricular hypertrophy in incident dialysis patients : A prospective study
LE Crowley, MT Eldehni, Odudu A, Pitchard C, MW Taal, NM Selby 

  7. Intradialytic Cariac MRI to assess cardiovascular responses in a randomised controlled trial of haemodiafiltration vs. haemodialysis
M Azahruddin, NM Sleby, MW Taal 

  8. AKI is associated with significan Deterioration in renal function and proteinuria which persists to 3 years: results of a prospective case-control study
KL Horne, RA Packington, J Monaghan, T Reilly, NV Kolhe, RJ Fluck, MW Taal NM Selby 

  9. Risk Factors for chronic kidney disease progression after acute kidney injury
KL Horne, RA Packington, J Monaghan, T Reilly, NV Kolhe, RJ Fluck, MW Taal NM Selby 


Posted on Monday 4th July 2016

Renal Research Group

The University of Nottingham
Royal Derby Hospital
Uttoxeter Road, Derby, DE22 3DT

telephone: +44 (0)1332 724622