Resilience Engineering Research Group

Image of Francesco Pugliese

Francesco Pugliese

Epsrc Doctoral Prize Fellow,



Dr Francesco Pugliese received the Bachelor and Master's degrees in Civil and Environmental Engineering cum laude at the Second University of Naples, Aversa, Italy. He also joined the international program MEEES (Advanced Master in Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Seismology) in the 2017, which includes a consortium of four Universities (Italy, Greece, France and Turkey). Francesco completed the Master of Research (First class with distinction) in Decision making under risk and uncertainty at the University of Liverpool in 2019. He has been awarded for merit with the ADISU scholarship (2007-2016, Italy), CEREMA & GEOAZUR PROJECT scholarship (2018, France), MEEES scholarship (2017, Italy), and EPSRC scholarship for the CDT program (2018-2022, Grant: EP/L015927/1,Link Mr Francesco Pugliese received the PhD in Risk and Uncertainty applied to Civil Engineering from the University of Liverpool.

He has been award the EPSRC Doctoral Prize Fellowship at the University of Nottingham working on the Risk Asset Management of Ageing critical Infrastructure.

Expertise Summary

I am a Civil Engineer with about 5 years of academic experience. Over the years, I have participated in different research projects and been part of prestigious Universities, which has allowed me to acquire expertise in structural and earthquake engineering, as well as in the development and use of probabilistic and statistical tools for modelling and managing risks caused by extreme loads on the built environment. In addition, working with various colleagues, I have also acquired multidisciplinary skills in computer science, mathematics and seismology.

My research activities mainly focus on (a) developing new cost-efficient strategies and approaches for the evaluation of the residual capacity of aged existing RC elements and structures., (b) introducing new response parameters for the assessment of the seismic vulnerability of relevant RC civil infrastructures, (c) using machine learning Genetic-based algorithms for the optimization of most used steel constitutive models for the monotonic and cyclic behaviour of smooth rebars under corrosion effects, (d) developing probabilistic approaches in a holistic framework for the reliability assessment of existing bridges under natural hazards and subjected to climate change effects, (e) assessing the viability of using sustainable and resilient materials and (f) risk asset management of ageing critical infrastructure

Research Summary

My current research focus on the development of optimised approaches for improving the Asset Management of ageing critical infrastructure.

Selected Publications

Resilience Engineering Research Group

The University of Nottingham
Pavement Research Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 67366