Ruminant Population Health


Our research team and their collaborators have published a range of papers relating to our work on lameness in sheep. You can find links to them all here:

The Farm Animal Welfare Council report, 2011
ATIA J, MONAGHAN E, KALER J, PURDY K, GREEN L and KEELING M, 2017. Mathematical modeling of ovine footrot in the UK: the effect of Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum on the disease dynamics.Epidemics. (In Press.)
DICKINS A, CLARK CC, KALER J, FERGUSON E, O'KANE H and GREEN LE, 2016. Factors associated with the presence and prevalence of contagious ovine digital dermatitis: A 2013 study of 1136 random English sheep flocks. Preventive veterinary medicine. 130, 86-93
O'KANE H, FERGUSON E, KALER J and GREEN L, 2016. Associations between sheep farmer attitudes, beliefs, emotions and personality, and their barriers to uptake of best practice: The example of footrot. Preventive veterinary medicine. (In Press.)
WINTER JR, KALER J, FERGUSON E, KILBRIDE AL and GREEN LE, 2015. Changes in prevalence of, and risk factors for, lameness in random samples of English sheep flocks: 2004-2013. Preventive veterinary medicine. 122(1-2), 121-8
WITCOMB LA, GREEN LE, KALER J, UL-HASSAN A, CALVO-BADO LA, MEDLEY GF, GROGONO-THOMAS R and WELLINGTON EMH, 2014. A longitudinal study of the role of Dichelobacter nodosus and Fusobacterium necrophorum load in initiation and severity of footrot in sheep. Preventive veterinary medicine. (In Press.)
DAVENPORT R, HEAWOOD C, SESSFORD K, BAKER M, BAIKER K, BLACKLAWS B, KALER J, GREEN L and TÖTEMEYER S, 2014. Differential expression of Toll-like receptors and inflammatory cytokines in ovine interdigital dermatitis and footrot. Veterinary immunology and immunopathology. (In Press.)
HELEN M HIGGINS, LAURA E GREEN, MARTIN J GREEN and JASMEET KALER, 2013. How Does Reviewing the Evidence Change Veterinary Surgeons' Beliefs Regarding the Treatment of Ovine Footrot? A Quantitative and Qualitative Study PLoS ONE
MIGUEL-PACHECO, G.G, KALER, J., REMNANT, J, CHEYNE, L, ABBOTT, C, FRENCH, A.P, PRIDMORE, T.P and HUXLEY, J.N, 2013. Behavioural changes in dairy cows with lameness in an automatic milking system Applied Animal Behaviour Science. (In Press.)
KALER J and GREEN LE, 2013. Sheep farmer opinions on the current and future role of veterinarians in flock health management on sheep farms: a qualitative study. Preventive veterinary medicine. 112(3-4), 370-7
GREEN, L. E., KALER, J., WASSINK, G. J., KING, E. M. and THOMAS, R. GROGONO, 2012. Impact of rapid treatment of sheep lame with footrot on welfare and economics and farmer attitudes to lameness in sheep: Animal Welfare Animal Welfare. 21, 65-71
FODDAI, A, GREEN, LE, MASON, S and KALER, J, 2012. Evaluating observer agreement of scoring systems for foot integrity and footrot lesions in sheep: Bmc Veterinary Research Bmc Veterinary Research. 8(1), 65
KALER, J, WANI, S, HUSSAIN, I, BEG, S, MAKHDOOMI, M, KABLI, Z and GREEN, L, 2012. A clinical trial comparing parenteral oxytetracyline and enrofloxacin on time to recovery in sheep lame with acute or chronic footrot in Kashmir, India: BMC Veterinary Research BMC Veterinary Research. 8(1), 12
KALER, J, GEORGE, TRN and GREEN, LE, 2011. Why Are Sheep Lame? Temporal Associations Between Severity Of Foot Lesions And Severity Of Lameness In 60 Sheep Animal Welfare. 20(3), 433-438
KALER, J., DANIELS, S.L.S., WRIGHT, J.L. and GREEN, L.E., 2010. Randomized clinical trial of long-acting oxytetracycline, foot trimming, and flunixine meglumine on time to recovery in sheep with footrot Journal of Veterinary Internal Medicine. 24(2), 420-425
KALER, J, MEDLEY, GF, GROGONO-THOMAS, R, WELLINGTON, EMH, CALVO-BADO, LA, WASSINK, GJ, KING, EM, MOORE, LJ, RUSSELL, C and GREEN, LE, 2010. Factors Associated With Changes Of State Of Foot Conformation And Lameness In A Flock Of Sheep Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 97(3-4), 237-244
KALER, J and GREEN, LE, 2009. Farmers' Practices And Factors Associated With The Prevalence Of All Lameness And Lameness Attributed To Interdigital Dermatitis And Footrot In Sheep Flocks In England In 2004 Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 92(1-2), 52-59
KALER, J., WASSINK, G.J. and GREEN, LE, 2009. The inter- and intra-observer reliability of a locomotion scoring scale for sheep Veterinary Journal. 180(2), 189-194
KALER, J and GREEN, LE, 2008. Recognition Of Lameness And Decisions To Catch For Inspection Among Sheep Farmers And Specialists In Gb Bmc Veterinary Research. 4
KALER, J and GREEN, LE, 2008. Naming And Recognition Of Six Foot Lesions Of Sheep Using Written And Pictorial Information: A Study Of 809 English Sheep Farmers Preventive Veterinary Medicine. 83(1), 52-64

Ruminant Population Health

School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington Campus
Leicestershire, LE12 5RD