Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


BASTIANI, M., COTTAAR, M., FITZGIBBON, S. P., SURI, S., ALFARO-ALMAGRO, F., SOTIROPOULOS, S. N., JBABDI, S. and ANDERSSON, J., 2018. Automated quality control for within and between studies diffusion MRI data using a non-parametric framework for movement and distortion correction: Neuroimage Neuroimage.

COTTAAR, M., BASTIANI, M., CHEN, C., DIKRANIAN, K., VAN ESSEN, D., BEHRENS, T. E., SOTIROPOULOS, S. N. and JBABDI, S., 2018. A gyral coordinate system predictive of fibre orientations: Neuroimage Neuroimage. 176, 417-430

HARMS, M. P., SOMERVILLE, L. H., ANCES, B. M., ANDERSSON, J., BARCH, D. M., BASTIANI, M., BOOKHEIMER, S. Y., BROWN, T. B., BUCKNER, R. L., BURGESS, G. C., COALSON, T. S., CHAPPELL, M. A., DAPRETTO, M., DOUAUD, G., FISCHL, B., GLASSER, M. F., GREVE, D. N., HODGE, C., JAMISON, K. W., JBABDI, S., KANDALA, S., LI, X., MAIR, R. W., MANGIA, S., MARCUS, D., MASCALI, D., MOELLER, S., NICHOLS, T. E., ROBINSON, E. C., SALAT, D. H., SMITH, S. M., SOTIROPOULOS, S. N., TERPSTRA, M., THOMAS, K. M., TISDALL, M. D., UGURBIL, K., VAN DER KOUWE, A., WOODS, R. P., ZOLLEI, L., VAN ESSEN, D. C. and YACOUB, E., 2018. Extending the human connectome project across ages: Imaging protocols for the Lifespan development and aging projects: Neuroimage Neuroimage.

MAKROPOULOS, A., ROBINSON, E. C., SCHUH, A., WRIGHT, R., FITZGIBBON, S., BOZEK, J., COUNSELL, S. J., STEINWEG, J., VECCHIATO, K., PASSERAT-PALMBACH, J., LENZ, G., MORTARI, F., TENEV, T., DUFF, E. P., BASTIANI, M., CORDERO-GRANDE, L., HUGHES, E., TUSOR, N., TOURNIER, J. D., HUTTER, J., PRICE, A. N., TEIXEIRA, RPAG, MURGASOVA, M., VICTOR, S., KELLY, C., RUTHERFORD, M. A., SMITH, S. M., EDWARDS, A. D., HAJNAL, J. V., JENKINSON, M. and RUECKERT, D., 2018. The developing human connectome project: A minimal processing pipeline for neonatal cortical surface reconstruction: Neuroimage Neuroimage.

DE SANTIS, SILVIA, BASTIANI, MATTEO, DROBY, AMGAD, KOLBER, PIERRE, ZIPP, FRAUKE, PRACHT, EBERHARD, STOECKER, TONY, GROPPA, SERGIU and ROEBROECK, ALARD, 2018. Characterizing Microstructural Tissue Properties in Multiple Sclerosis with Diffusion MRI at 7 T and 3 T: The Impact of the Experimental Design. Neuroscience.

KNIGHT, MICHAEL J., DAMION, ROBIN A. and KAUPPINEN, RISTO A., 2018. Observation of angular dependence of T1 in the human white matter at 3T BIOMEDICAL SPECTROSCOPY AND IMAGING. 7(3-4), 125-133

FOSTER, R. J., DAMION, R. A., RIES, M. E., SMYE, S. W., MCGONAGLE, D. G., BINKS, D. A. and RADJENOVIC, A., 2018. Imaging of nuclear magnetic resonance spin-lattice relaxation activation energy in cartilage ROYAL SOCIETY OPEN SCIENCE. 5(7),

CROMARTY, R. A., SCHUMACHER, J., GRAZIADIO, S., GALLAGHER, P., KILLEN, A., FIRBANK, M. J., BLAMIRE, A., KAISER, M., THOMAS, A. J., O'BRIEN, J. T., PERAZA, L. R. and TAYLOR, J. P., 2018. Structural Brain Correlates of Attention Dysfunction in Lewy Body Dementias and Alzheimer's Disease: Front Aging Neurosci Front Aging Neurosci. 10, 347

GONZALEZ-DE-ALEDO, PABLO, VLADIMIROV, ANDREY, MANCA, MARCO, BAUGH, JERRY, ASAI, RYO, KAISER, MARCUS and BAUER, ROMAN, 2018. An optimization approach for agent-based computational models of biological development: Advances in Engineering Software Advances in Engineering Software. 121, 262-275

JIANG, SHOUYONG, KAISER, MARCUS, GUO, JINGLEI, YANG, SHENGXIANG and KRASNOGOR, NATALIO, 2018. Less detectable environmental changes in dynamic multiobjective optimisation: Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference In: 673-680

S. JIANG, KAISER, MARCUS, S. WAN, J. GUO, S. YANG and N. KRASNOGOR, 2018. An Empirical Study of Dynamic Triobjective Optimisation Problems

SCHUMACHER, J., PERAZA, L. R., FIRBANK, M., THOMAS, A. J., KAISER, M., GALLAGHER, P., O'BRIEN, J. T., BLAMIRE, A. M. and TAYLOR, J. P., 2018. Functional connectivity in dementia with Lewy bodies: A within- and between-network analysis: Hum Brain Mapp Hum Brain Mapp. 39(3), 1118-1129

TORRES, MARINA, JIANG, SHOUYONG, PELTA, DAVID, KAISER, MARCUS and KRASNOGOR, NATALIO, 2018. Strain Design as Multiobjective Network Interdiction Problem: A Preliminary Approach At: Cham

DANIEL, ALEXANDER J., COX, ELEANOR, BUCHANAN, CHARLOTTE, BRADLEY, CHRISTOPHER and FRANCIS, SUSAN, 2018. Applying T2 Relaxation Under Spin Tagging (TRUST) to assess renal oxygenation in the kidney In: Proc. Intl. Soc. Mag. Reson. Med. 26.

AGN, MIKAEL, ROSENSCHÖLD, PER MUNCK AF, PUONTI, OULA, LUNDEMANN, MICHAEL J., MANCINI, LAURA, PAPADAKI, ANASTASIA, THUST, STEFFI, ASHBURNER, JOHN, LAW, IAN and LEEMPUT, KOEN VAN, 2018. A Modality-Adaptive Method for Segmenting Brain Tumors and Organs-at-Risk in Radiation Therapy Planning Arxiv.
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