Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


BESLE, J., SANCHEZ-PANCHUELO, R., BOWTELL, R., FRANCIS, S. and SCHLUPPECK, D., 2013. Single-subject fMRI mapping at 7T of the representation of fingertips in S1: a comparison of event-related and phase-encoding designs Journal of Neurophysiology. 109(9), 2293-2305

AL-RADAIDEH AM, WHARTON SJ, LIM S, TENCH CR, MORGAN PS, BOWTELL RW, CONSTANTINESCU CS and GOWLAND PA, 2013. Increased iron accumulation occurs in the earliest stages of demyelinating disease: an ultra-high field susceptibility mapping study in Clinically Isolated Syndrome. Multiple sclerosis (Houndmills, Basingstoke, England). 19(7), 896-903

MULLINGER, K.J., MAYHEW, S.D., BAGSHAW, A.P., BOWTELL, R. and FRANCIS, S.T., 2013. Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 110(33), 13636-13641

MULLINGER KJ, CASTELLONE P and BOWTELL R, 2013. Best current practice for obtaining high quality EEG data during simultaneous FMRI. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

THOMAZ, C. E., HALL, E. L., GIRALDI, G. A., MORRIS, P. G., BOWTELL, R. and BROOKES, M. J., 2013. A priori-driven multivariate statistical approach to reduce dimensionality of MEG signals ELECTRONICS LETTERS. 49(18), 1123-1124

MULLINGER, KAREN J., MAYHEW, STEPHEN D., BAGSHAW, ANDREW P., BOWTELL, RICHARD and FRANCIS, SUSAN T., 2013. Poststimulus undershoots in cerebral blood flow and BOLD fMRI responses are modulated by poststimulus neuronal activity PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. 110(33), 13636-13641

WHITE, THOMAS P., JANSEN, MARIJE, DOEGE, KATHRIN, MULLINGER, KAREN J., PARK, S. BERT, LIDDLE, ELIZABETH B., GOWLAND, PENNY A., FRANCIS, SUSAN T., BOWTELL, RICHARD and LIDDLE, PETER. F., 2013. Theta Power During Encoding Predicts Subsequent-Memory Performance and Default Mode Network Deactivation HUMAN BRAIN MAPPING. 34(11), 2929-2943

BLAZEJEWSKA, ANNA I., SCHWARZ, STEFAN T., PITIOT, ALAIN, STEPHENSON, MARY C., LOWE, JAMES, BAJAJ, NIN, BOWTELL, RICHARD W., AUER, DOROTHEE P. and GOWLAND, PENNY A., 2013. Visualization of nigrosome 1 and its loss in PD Pathoanatomical correlation and in vivo 7 T MRI NEUROLOGY. 81(6), 534-540

WHARTON, SAMUEL and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2013. Gradient echo based fiber orientation mapping using R2*and frequency difference measurements NEUROIMAGE. 83, 1011-1023

MULLINGER, KAREN J, CASTELLONE, PIERLUIGI and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2013. Best current practice for obtaining high quality EEG data during simultaneous FMRI. Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE.

MULLINGER, KAREN J., HAVENHAND, JADE and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2013. Identifying the sources of the pulse artefact in EEG recordings made inside an MR scanner NEUROIMAGE. 71, 75-83

AL-RADAIDEH, ALI M., WHARTON, SAMUEL J., LIM, SU-YIN, TENCH, CHRISTOPHER R., MORGAN, PAUL S., BOWTELL, RICHARD W., CONSTANTINESCU, CRIS S. and GOWLAND, PENNY A., 2013. Increased iron accumulation occurs in the earliest stages of demyelinating disease: an ultra-high field susceptibility mapping study in Clinically Isolated Syndrome MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JOURNAL. 19(7), 896-903

BESLE, JULIEN, SANCHEZ-PANCHUELO, ROSA-MARIA, BOWTELL, RICHARD, FRANCIS, SUSAN and SCHLUPPECK, DENIS, 2013. Single-subject fMRI mapping at 7 T of the representation of fingertips in S1: a comparison of event-related and phase-encoding designs JOURNAL OF NEUROPHYSIOLOGY. 109(9), 2293-2305

PETRIDOU, N., GAUDES, C. C., DRYDEN, I. L., FRANCIS, S. T. and GOWLAND, P. A., 2013. Periods of rest in fMRI contain individual spontaneous events which are related to slowly fluctuating spontaneous activity Human Brain Mapping. 34, 1319--1329

HANSSON MILD K, HAND J, HIETANEN M, GOWLAND P, KARPOWICZ J, KEEVIL S, LAGROYE I, VAN RONGEN E, SCARFI MR and WILÉN J, 2013. Exposure classification of MRI workers in epidemiological studies. Bioelectromagnetics. 34(1), 81-4
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