Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


HODKINSON DJ, KRAUSE K, KHAWAJA N, RENTON TF, HUGGINS JP, VENNART W, THACKER MA, MEHTA MA, ZELAYA FO, WILLIAMS SC and HOWARD MA, 2013. Quantifying the test-retest reliability of cerebral blood flow measurements in a clinical model of on-going post-surgical pain: A study using pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling. NeuroImage. Clinical. 3, 301-310

DODD GT, WORTH AA, HODKINSON DJ, SRIVASTAVA RK, LUTZ B, WILLIAMS SR and LUCKMAN SM, 2013. Central functional response to the novel peptide cannabinoid, hemopressin. Neuropharmacology. 71, 27-36

O'DEA R, CROFTS JJ and KAISER M, 2013. Spreading dynamics on spatially constrained complex brain networks. Journal of the Royal Society, Interface / the Royal Society. 10(81), 20130016

O'DEA, R., CROFTS, J. J. and KAISER, M., 2013. Spreading dynamics on spatially constrained complex brain networks: J R Soc Interface J R Soc Interface. 10(81), 20130016

SÁNCHEZ-PANCHUELO, R.M., FRANCIS, S.T., SCHLUPPECK, D. and BOWTELL, R.W., 2012. Correspondence of human visual areas identified using functional and anatomical MRI in vivo at 7 T Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 35(2), 287-299

JANSEN, M, WHITE, TP, MULLINGER, KJ, LIDDLE, EB, GOWLAND, PA, FRANCIS, ST, BOWTELL, R and LIDDLE, PF, 2012. Motion-Related Artefacts In Eeg Predict Neuronally Plausible Patterns Of Activation In Fmri Data Neuroimage. 59(1), 261-270

LOTFIPOUR, A.K., WHARTON, S., SCHWARZ, S.T., SCHÄFER, A., PETERS, A.M., BOWTELL, R.W., AUER, D.P., GOWLAND, P.A. and BAJAJ, N.P.S., 2012. High resolution magnetic susceptibility mapping of the substantia nigra in Parkinson's disease Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 35(1), 48-55

BANDETTINI, PA, BOWTELL, R, JEZZARD, P and TURNER, R, 2012. Ultrahigh Field Systems And Applications At 7 T And Beyond: Progress, Pitfalls, And Potential Magnetic Resonance In Medicine. 67(2), 317-321

WHARTON, S. and BOWTELL, R., 2012. Fiber orientation-dependent white matter contrast in gradient echo MRI Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 109(45), 18559–18564

AL-RADAIDEH A, WHARTON S, LIM S, TENCH C, MORGAN P, BOWTELL R, CONSTANTINESCU C and P GOWLAND, 2012. Increased iron accumulation occurs in the earliest stages of demyelinating disease: an ultra-high field susceptibility mapping study in Clinically Isolated Syndrome. Multiple Sclerosis Journal.

SANCHEZ-PANCHUELO, R.M., BESLE, J., BECKETT, A., BOWTELL, R., SCHLUPPECK, D. and FRANCIS, S., 2012. Within-digit functional parcellation of Brodmann areas of the human primary somatosensory cortex using functional magnetic resonance imaging at 7 tesla Journal of Neuroscience. 32(45), 15815-15822


SÁNCHEZ, C.C., GLOVER, P., POWER, H. and BOWTELL, R., 2012. Calculation of the electric field resulting from human body rotation in a magnetic field Physics in Medicine and Biology. 57(15), 4739-4753

PREGENT, S, HOAD, CL, CIAMPI, E, KIRKLAND, M, COX, EF, MARCIANI, L, SPILLER, RC, BUTLER, MF, GOWLAND, P and RAYMENT, P, 2012. Investigation Of The Behaviour Of Chitosan Microparticles As Ph Responsive Hydrogels In The Gastro-Intestinal Tract Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging Food Hydrocolloids. 26(1), 187-196
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