Sir Peter Mansfield Imaging Centre


FISHER, ROBIN D, HANNA, JOHN V, REES, GREGORY J and WALTON, RICHARD I, 2012. Calcium sulfate-phosphate composites with enhanced water resistance Journal of Materials Chemistry. 22(11), 4837-4846

REES, GREGORY J, 2012. Development of solid state NMR to understand materials involved in catalytic technology used in fuel cells

LARI, ALBERTH, PITAK, MATUESZ B, COLES, SIMON J, REES, GREGORY J, DAY, STEPHEN P, SMITH, MARK E, HANNA, JOHN V and WALLIS, JOHN D, 2012. Models for incomplete nucleophilic attack on a protonated carbonyl group and electron-deficient alkenes: salts and zwitterions from 1-dimethylamino-naphthalene-8-carbaldehyde Organic & biomolecular chemistry. 10(38), 7763-7779

CARUSO, FRANCESCO, CHAN, ERIC J, HANNA, JOHN V, MARCHETTI, FABIO, PETTINARI, CLAUDIO, DI NICOLA, CORRADO, PETTINARI, RICCARDO, PIZZABIOCCA, ADRIANO, REES, GREGORY J, QUIGLEY, DAVID and OTHERS, 2012. The Question of cis versus trans Configuration in Octahedral Metal Diketonates: An In-Depth Investigation on Diorganobis (4-acyl-5-pyrazolonato) tin (IV) Complexes European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry. 2012(9), 1369-1379

KIANI, AZADEH, HANNA, JOHN V, KING, SCOTT P, REES, GREGORY J, SMITH, MARK E, ROOHPOUR, NIMA, SALIH, VEHID and KNOWLES, JONATHAN C, 2012. Structural characterization and physical properties of P2O5-CaO-Na2O-TiO2 glasses by Fourier transform infrared, Raman and solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopies Acta biomaterialia. 8(1), 333-340

BASTIANI, M., SHAH, N. J., GOEBEL, R. and ROEBROECK, A., 2012. Human cortical connectome reconstruction from diffusion weighted MRI: the effect of tractography algorithm: Neuroimage Neuroimage. 62(3), 1732-49

HALL, CRAIG A., LE, KIM A., RUDAZ, CYRIELLE, RADHI, ASANAH, LOVELL, CHRISTOPHER S., DAMION, ROBIN A., BUDTOVA, TATIANA and RIES, MICHAEL E., 2012. Macroscopic and Microscopic Study of 1-Ethyl-3-methyl-imidazolium Acetate-Water Mixtures JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY B. 116(42), 12810-12818

DAMION, R. A., PAWASKAR, S. S., RIES, M. E., INGHAM, E., WILLIAMS, S., JIN, Z. and RADJENOVIC, A., 2012. Spin-lattice relaxation rates and water content of freeze-dried articular cartilage OSTEOARTHRITIS AND CARTILAGE. 20(2), 184-190

HODKINSON DJ, DE GROOTE C, MCKIE S, DEAKIN JF and WILLIAMS SR, 2012. Differential Effects of Anaesthesia on the phMRI Response to Acute Ketamine Challenge. British journal of medicine and medical research. 2(3), 373-385

BOHR, I. J., KENNY, E., BLAMIRE, A., O'BRIEN, J. T., THOMAS, A. J., RICHARDSON, J. and KAISER, M., 2012. Resting-state functional connectivity in late-life depression: higher global connectivity and more long distance connections: Front Psychiatry Front Psychiatry. 3, 116

COMIN, CESAR H., BATISTA, JOÃO L. B., VIANA, MATHEUS P., COSTA, LUCIANO DA F., TRAVENÇOLO, BRUNO A. N. and KAISER, MARCUS, 2012. Structure and Dynamics: The Transition from Nonequilibrium to Equilibrium in Integrate-and-Fire Dynamics: International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos. 22(07), 1250174

ZAWADZKI, K., ECHTERMEYER, C., VIANA, M.P., KAISER, M. and COSTA, L.D.F., 2012. Morphological Homogeneity of Neurons: Searching for outliers in inner categories of neuronal cells: Neuroinformatics Neuroinformatics. (in press)

MULLINGER, KAREN J, YAN, WINSTON X and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2011. Reducing the gradient artefact in simultaneous EEG-fMRI by adjusting the subject's axial position. NeuroImage. 54(3), 1942-50

MULLINGER, KAREN and BOWTELL, RICHARD, 2011. Combining EEG and FMRI. Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.). 711, 303-26
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